[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Puppet packaging for Debian annotated tag, upstream/3.2.3, created. upstream/3.2.3

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Mon Jul 15 19:50:05 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, upstream/3.2.3 has been created
        at  57c7e54f7912e8a616096c31502fca06ef0f0c9e (tag)
   tagging  ef82ec4658a4f3d6d55a2ef5fdcc8252edd2c844 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/3.2.2
 tagged by  Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
        on  Mon Jul 15 21:28:54 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 3.2.3
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Adrien Thebo (8):
      Merge pull request #1667 from joshcooper/ticket/stable/20901-revert-webrick-monkeypatch
      Merge pull request #1663 from joshcooper/ticket/stable/20787-adsi-performance
      Merge pull request #1674 from nfagerlund/maint/duration_settings
      Merge pull request #1675 from nfagerlund/maint/file_typo
      Merge pull request #1677 from joshcooper/ticket/stable/20302-ruby19-windows-specs
      (#20383) Provide location of duplicate resource in error
      Merge branch '20383-duplicate_resource_error_location' into stable
      Merge pull request #1696 from Sharpie/21028-document-future-parser-functions

Andrew Parker (3):
      Merge pull request #1717 from pcarlisle/ticket/21376-stack-overflow
      (Maint) Cleanup specs
      (#21264) Update rgen dependency to 0.6.5

Dustin J. Mitchell (1):
      clean up docs for new parser functions

Josh Cooper (18):
      (#20787) Do not generate NetBIOS name service requests
      Revert "Merge pull request #1478 from dsd/fix/master/18781-webrick-old-client-compat"
      (#20302) Windows ruby 1.8 workarounds are not necessary in 1.9
      (#20302) Append .exe to spec "executables" on Windows
      (#20302) Handle nested include filters
      (#20302) File.expand_file('~') fails differently in Ruby19
      Maint: Don't execute facter during spec tests
      Merge branch 'ticket/stable/20900-revert-agent-console-logging' into stable
      Maint: Fix typo in deprecation warning
      (#20768) Don't confuse WMI and IADsUser automation objects
      (#20768) Only query on the name field
      (#20768) Use the correct Win32API method signatures
      (#20768) Enable managehome acceptance test on Windows
      (#20768) Refactor base profile logic
      (#20768) Windows can now create the home directory (again)
      (#21280) Don't create C:/dev/null on Windows
      (#21043) Use ruby.exe instead of rubyw.exe
      Merge pull request #1733 from haus/ticket/stable/21264_update_rgen_depends

Josh Partlow (3):
      Revert "Merge branch 'cprice-puppet-bug/3.0rc/15187-log-fatal-errors-to-console'"
      Merge pull request #1680 'joshcooper/ticket/stable/20768-windows-managehome-redux' into stable
      Merge pull request #1725 from joshcooper/ticket/stable/21043-runinterval-broken

Justin Stoller (1):
      Improve CVE 2013 1654 SSLv2 Downgrade Master test

Matthaus Owens (10):
      Merge branch 'release_3.2.1' into stable
      (packaging) Update build_defaults to remove EOL platforms (natty, f15, f16).
      (packaging) Update debian build-depends to be ruby1.8 so that the shebang is correct after install and ruby1.9.1 isn't used on newer debians.
      (packaging) Update CHANGELOG, PUPPETVERSION for 2.7.22
      Merge branch 'release_2.7.22' into 2.7.x
      Merge branch '2.7.x' into stable
      Merge branch 'release_3.2.2' into stable
      (#21264) Update rgen dependency to 0.6.5
      Merge pull request #1741 from MosesMendoza/maint/stable/update_for_packaging_loader
      Merge pull request #1740 from MosesMendoza/maint/stable/remove_oneiric

Moses Mendoza (5):
      [packaging] Update mocks for rpmbuilder mock format
      (packaging) Use the packaging loader for tasks
      (packaging) Remove Ubuntu Oneiric from build targets
      (packaging) Update PUPPETVERSION for 3.2.3-rc1
      (packaging) Update PUPPETVERSION for 3.2.3

Nick Fagerlund (2):
      Docs: Improve documentation of "duration" settings
      Docs: Fix a persistent formatting glitch in the file type's ensure parameter docs

Patrick Carlisle (11):
      (maint) Reset confines on the pip provider after tests
      Don't keep Gemfile.lock checked in.
      Add acceptance test for report processing
      Add vendoring system into puppet
      Fix installation of vendored libs
      Vendor safe_yaml 0.9.2
      (#20584) Only deserialize expected objects from YAML
      Remove acceptance test for yaml parsing that was no longer valid
      (maint) Fix Facter stubs in redhat service spec
      (#21376) Sequence BlockExpressions without nesting
      (#21320) Use sleep in the daemon loop instead of select

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen (1):
      Imported Upstream version 3.2.3

pcarlisle (1):
      Merge pull request #1724 from zaphod42/issue/stable/21264-implicit-array-conversions-break-because-of-rgen


Puppet packaging for Debian

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