[Pkg-puppet-devel] [SCM] Packaging of Facter for debian annotated tag, upstream/1.7.0, created. upstream/1.7.0

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Wed May 29 20:17:17 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, upstream/1.7.0 has been created
        at  860feec0e65f27bedcfb0063e9bc0642d510616e (tag)
   tagging  fb5d04feeda2b7c08e1051ab7016da4274a74f55 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.6.17
 tagged by  Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
        on  Sun May 5 18:18:16 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 1.7.0
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Adrien Thebo (42):
      Merge pull request #54 from mkincaid/ticket/next/2747
      Merge pull request #102 from kbarber/ticket/6617-deprecate_destdir
      (#2157) Add external fact support
      (#2157) external facts command line - bin/facter
      (#2157) external facts command line - lib/facter/application.rb
      (#2157) external facts command line - lib/facter/util/config.rb
      (#2157) external facts command line - lib/facter/util/directory_loader.rb
      (#2157) external facts - lib/facter/util/directory_loader.rb
      (#2157) parser classes can register an array of extensions - lib/facter/util/config.rb
      (#2157) raise error if parser doesn't implement #results - lib/facter/util/parser.rb
      (#2157) Catch infinite infinite loop when loading json - lib/facter/util/parser.rb
      (#2157) add support for scriptparser on windows - lib/facter/util/parser.rb
      (#2157) add powershell script parser - facter/util/parser.rb
      (#2157) external facts command line - install.rb
      (#2157) Add external facts README to redhat spec
      (#2157) add readme for libexec external facts
      (#2157) Update config spec to test ext_fact_dir
      (#2157) Used puppetlabs spec helper for directoryloader tests
      (#2157) Update directory_spec to reference new libexec dir
      (#2157) directory_loader uses results instead of values
      (#2157) test directory loader to make sure loading non-existing directories is all cool, yo
      (#2157) shorten spec_helper require in parser_spec.rb
      (#2157) cleanup and reformatting of directory_loader_spec
      (#2157) Converted parser spec to use PuppetlabsSpec::Files helper
      (#2157) Add test coverage for parser matches? function
      Merge branch 'backport-gh-386' into 1.6.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge pull request #392 from pcarlisle/fix-nettools
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch 'pull-401' into 1.6.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      (maint) centralize system fact stubbing in virtual specs
      Merge branch 'maint-centralize_virtual_fact_stubs' into 1.6.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch 'pull-404' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch 'pull-412' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch 'pull-411' into 1.7.x
      Merge pull request #415 from haus/reremove_changelog
      Merge pull request #416 from haus/packaging/1.7.x/make_dmidecode_arch_specific
      Merge branch 'pull-413' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch 'pull-419' into 1.7.x
      Revert "Merge branch 'pull-419' into 1.7.x"

Andrew Elwell (3):
      Update version nos to match Facter development
      Update version nos to match Facter development
      Update version nos to match Facter development

Andrew Parker (25):
      Merge pull request #214 from hkenney/ticket/2.x/14466_warn_when_no_facts_found
      Merge pull request #224 from jeffweiss/ticket/2.x/14689_fix_ssh_fact_for_hpux
      Merge pull request #225 from jeffweiss/ticket/2.x/8963_swap_fact_fails_on_solaris_when_no_swap
      Merge pull request #229 from jeffweiss/ticket/2.x/14689_fix_ssh_fact_for_hpux
      Merge pull request #223 from hkenney/ticket/2.x/14690_remove_preceding_letters_HP-UX_kernel
      Merge pull request #245 from hkenney/ticket/2.x/15145_fix_rubysitedir_fact_with_ruby_193
      Revert "(#2157) external facts command line - install.rb"
      (Maint) Ensure that the right Facter is loaded during install
      Merge pull request #273 from hkenney/ticket/2.x/15514_add_support_for_which_solaris
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 2.x
      Merge branch '2.x'
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/1.6.x' into 2.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2.x'
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/1.6.x' into 2.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2.x'
      Merge pull request #307 from Evan-Pierce/ticket/2.x/15585_ext-facts-parse-incorrectly-equal-sign
      Merge pull request #317 from cryptographrix/1415-truncated-IB-mac-addresses
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/1.6.x' into 2.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2.x'
      Revert "Merge pull request #205 from jeffweiss/ticket/master/12147_remove_iphostnumber_fact"
      Revert "Merge pull request #204 from jeffweiss/ticket/master/11466_remove_duplicate_memorytotal_fact"
      Revert "Merge pull request #208 from hkenney/ticket/master/14469_strip_whitespace_from_frozen_strings"
      Revert "Merge pull request #202 from hkenney/ticket/master/3226_strip_whitespace_from_fact"
      (Maint) Properly mock SunOS in test for manufacturer
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/1.6.x' into 1.7.x

Ashley Penney (8):
      Add XenServer to operatingsystem for #5255.
      Add OpenIndiana to operatingsystem and osfamily, as well as check
      Modify this to handle Solaris a little better, via the use of uname -v.
      Merge branch '2.x' of https://github.com/puppetlabs/facter into openindiana
      Further tweaks for XenServer.
      In one of the more recent versions of rspec they changed calls from
      Add XenServer test.
      Add the uuid from dmidecode and add appropriate unit testing for it.

Chris Price (10):
      (#12012) Move "with_env" utility method from test code into lib code
      (#12012) Remove global override of LANG environment variable
      (#12012) Add spec unit tests for env/LANG changes
      (#12012) Fix ruby 1.8.5 incompatibility in new spec test
      (#12012) Fix bug with overriding LANG environment variable
      (#12012) removed extraneous nils
      Merge pull request #206 from hkenney/maint/master/fix_broken_windows_tests
      Merge pull request #208 from hkenney/ticket/master/14469_strip_whitespace_from_frozen_strings
      Merge pull request #209 from pcarlisle/maint/master/fix-install
      Merge pull request #211 from hkenney/ticket/master/14521_install_strips_all_lib_dirs

Christopher Webber (3):
      Add support for distingushing which Solaris
      Add new distros to Solaris family
      Update other facts to use osfamily instead of operatingsystem

Daniel Black (3):
      (#11660) Adds feature SSHFP
      (#11660) Adds feature SSHFP
      (#11660) Adds feature SSHFP

Daniel Pittman (37):
      Merge pull request #121 from kbarber/ticket/1.6.x/9708-os_confines
      Merge pull request #133 from grooverdan/ticket/11660-sshfp_and_ssh_rspec
      Revert "(#11660) Adds feature SSHFP"
      Merge pull request #110 from stschulte/feature/master/11082
      Merge pull request #149 from cprice-puppet/bug/master/12012-global-ENV-LANG-override
      Merge pull request #150 from cprice-puppet/bug/master/12012-global-ENV-LANG-override
      Merge pull request #151 from joshcooper/ticket/master/12012-env-lang-windows
      Merge pull request #159 from cprice-puppet/bug/master/12012-global-ENV-LANG-override
      Merge pull request #147 from nanliu/tickets/master/1424
      Merge pull request #162 from grooverdan/ticket/11660-sshfp_and_ssh_rspec
      Merge pull request #165 from heffergm/virtual_detection
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'frimik/virtualbox' into feature/master/10232-get-virtual-information-from-sysfs
      (#10232) Tests for VirtualBox detection via sysfs
      Merge branch 'feature/master/10232-get-virtual-information-from-sysfs'
      Merge pull request #174 from timurbatyrshin/facter-freeze-fix
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.6.x'
      Merge pull request #186 from stschulte/feature/master/12790
      Merge pull request #199 from hkenney/ticket/master/7484_domain_fact_should_handle_tld
      Merge pull request #202 from hkenney/ticket/master/3226_strip_whitespace_from_fact
      Merge pull request #188 from glarizza/bug/master/11299_cfpropertylist
      Merge 1.6.x into master branch of Facter.
      Partial revert of CFPropertyList migration.
      Merge pull request #203 from jeffweiss/ticket/master/6955_remove_relative_dirs_from_search_path
      Merge pull request #204 from jeffweiss/ticket/master/11466_remove_duplicate_memorytotal_fact
      Merge pull request #205 from jeffweiss/ticket/master/12147_remove_iphostnumber_fact
      Merge pull request #200 from hkenney/ticket/master/3909_strip_trailing_dots_from_domain_fact
      Bump Facter version to 2.0.0 for the release.
      Delete the "ARP" facts, which are pathologically bad.
      Delete Linux-only `get_arp_value` helper.
      Faster MAC address load on Linux via sysfs
      Merge branch 'jasongill-10966-bios_facts' into 2.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.6.x' into 2.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.x'
      Merge branch 'apenney-uuid' into 2.x
      Merge pull request #263 from daniel-pittman/feature/2.x/the-arp-fact-must-die
      Merge branch 'apenney-xenserver' into 2.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.x'

Eric Sorenson (1):
      Fixes behaviour change if /etc/release does not exist.

Erik Dalén (1):
      (#17917) Allow case equality confinement matching

Evan Pierce (1):
      (#15585) Make ext fact regex not greedy

Garrett Honeycutt (1):
      (maint) removing trailing whitespace

Garrett Wollman (2):
      Make zpool_version work on FreeBSD kernels as well.
      Allow zfs_version to work on FreeBSD as well as Solaris.

Gary Larizza (2):
      [#11299] Replace facter/util/plist with cfpropertylist
      Namespace CFPropertyList under Puppet::Util

Grant Heffernan (2):
      fix xen0/xenu detection: https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/10625
      fix tests for virtual detection

Hailee Kenney (56):
      (#7484) Domain fact should handle only TLD
      (#7484) Domain Fact should handle TLD
      (#3226) Strip whitespace from fact
      (#3226) Wire up fact preserve_whitespace DSL
      (maint) Fix broken Windows tests
      (#14469) Strip whitespace from frozen strings
      (#14467) Warn when removing relative paths
      (#3909) Strip trailing dots from domain fact
      (#14521) Ensure install only strips leading lib dir
      (#14521) Ensure install propagates licenses
      (14466) Warn when no facts found
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 2.0rc
      Merge branch '2.0rc'
      (#14466) Fix style issues
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 2.0rc
      Merge branch '2.0rc' into 2.0.x
      Merge branch '2.0.x'
      (#14690) Remove preceding letters from HP-UX release kernel
      (#14700) Add tests for kernel facts
      (#14690) Fix style issues
      (#12649) Add memory and swap values for FreeBSD
      (#12649) Add specs for FreeBSD memory fact
      (#14700) Fix whitespace and spelling issues
      (#14700) Fix kernel version spec
      (#14700) Fix kernel spec on Windows
      (#13049) Add tests for GNU/kFreeBSD
      (#13047) Add tests for GNU/kFreeBSD
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'jeffweiss/ticket/2.x/14827_fix_broken_swap_units_on_mac' into 2.x
      Merge branch 'rlinehan-ticket/2.x/2066_make_memory_units_in_bytes' into 2.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'rlinehan/ticket/2.x/2066_make_memory_units_in_bytes' into 2.x
      (#2157) Remove JSON dependencies
      (#2157) Add util/json.rb file to support removing JSON requirement
      (#2157) Exit facter when specified directory for external facts does not exist
      (#2157) Make it possible to disable custom facts
      (#2157) Make external facts compatable with facts_dot_d
      (#2157) Add composite loader
      (#2157) Refactor parser
      (#2157) Remove support for executable external facts on Windows
      (#2157) Ensure externals always overwrite other facts
      (#2157) Removed skipping backup files
      (#2157) Remove redundancy in directory loader spec
      (#2157) Allow weight to be set during fact addition
      (#2157) Remove unused instance variable
      (#2157) Removed directory_loader.rb's dependency on facter.rb
      (#2157) Collection is now constructed with it's loaders
      (#2157) Prevent external facts from attempting to parse directories
      Merge pull request #262 from Elwell/doctweaks
      Merge branch 'fixexpect' of https://github.com/apenney/facter into 2.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 2.x
      Merge branch '2.x'
      Merge branch 'openindiana' of https://github.com/apenney/facter into 2.x
      (#15514) Add compatibility with change to operatingsystem fact
      (#1424) Fix up syntax in tests
      Revert "(#1424) Fix up syntax in tests"
      Revert "(#1424) Added facts zones, zone_ & zonename for solaris."
      Merge branch 'ticket/2.x/16009_add_freebsd_support_for_processor' into 2.x

Hunter Haugen (1):
      Add Amazon to the RedHat osfamily

Jacob Helwig (2):
      Merge branch 'ticket/10251' of git://github.com/jgrocho/facter
      Revert "Merge branch 'ticket/10251' of git://github.com/jgrocho/facter"

Jakob Borg (1):
      (#15306) Read /proc/self/status in binary mode

James Turnbull (1):
      Merge pull request #62 from kavu/cleanup/archlinux_operating_system

Jared Curtis (1):
      (#17083) Add rhev & ovirt support to the virtual fact

Jason Gill (2):
      (#10238) Adds support for retrieving information about block devices in Linux, with tests; updated to include sizes and be more flexible for future additions
      (#10966) Adds BIOS information facts

Jeff McCune (81):
      (maint) Whitespace error cleanup commit
      (maint) Add trailing newlines to all files
      (maint) Standardize on #!/usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec
      (#2157) Rename collection loader methods
      (#2157) Make JsonParser always available but disabled without json gem
      (#2157) Make parser matcher work with Enumerable
      (#2157) Remove needless methods
      (#2157) Change parser specs to not touch the filesystem
      Merge branch 'review/pr244/2157-external_fact_support' into 2.x
      (#2157) Fixup yaml typo in json spec test
      Merge branch 'fix/2.x/2157_fix_spec_failures' into 2.x
      (#2157) Fix spec failures on Ruby 1.8.5
      Merge branch 'fix/2.x/2157_fix_ruby185_spec_failures' into 2.x
      Merge pull request #257 from MosesMendoza/bug/2.x/fix_get_version_to_only_use_git_if_present
      (Maint) Whitespace fixup
      (#2157) Fixup remove executable facts on Windows
      (#2157) Fix Mocha::StubbingError in loader_spec
      Merge branch 'fix/2.x/2157_fix_windows_spec' into 2.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 2.x
      Merge branch '2.x'
      (Maint) Fix Facter version to be 2.0.0-rc4
      Merge branch 'fix/2.x/version_failures' into 2.x
      Merge branch '2.x'
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Improve Facter.version API to help automate releases
      Merge branch 'maint/1.7.x/make_release_version_easy' into 1.7.x
      Add Facter::Util::FileRead.read helper method
      Add expectations for operatingsystemrelease on Ubuntu
      Merge branch 'maint/1.7.x/useless_use_of_cat' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch 'mfournier-tickets/1.7.x/17794' into 1.7.x
      (#17794) Specify how zfs facts behave when tools are configured
      Merge branch 'maint/1.7.x/zfs_resolvers' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch 'feature/1.7.x/dalen-regexp-confine' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      (#17612) Follow Google docs to populate virtual => gce
      Merge branch 'feature/1.7.x/17612_gce_cloud_support' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      (#15001) Use the internal loader to load ipaddress
      Merge branch 'bug/1.6.x/calmh-15306_read_proc_self_status_in_binary_mode' into 1.6.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Whitespace only reflow of README
      (maint) Add Travis CI support to active branches
      Fix Travis CI failures on virtualbox
      Merge branch 'feature/1.6.x/travis_active_branches' into 1.6.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      terge branch 'tobyhs-ticket/1.6.x/18308_application_parse_argv' into 1.6.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch 'pcarlisle-fix-freebsd-warning_1.7.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch 'jaredcurtis-ticket/1.7.x/17083_virtual_support_for_RHEL_oVirt' into 1.7.x
      Fix newline in operatingsystemrelease fact
      (refactor) Send operatingsystemrelease through Facter::Util::FileRead.read
      Merge branch 'fix/1.7.x/operatingsystemrelease_newline' into 1.7.x
      (maint) Update gem source in Gemfile
      Merge branch 'update_gemfile' into 1.6.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      (maint) Add Ruby 2.0.0 to Travis build matrix
      Merge branch 'maint/1.6.x/ruby_two_travis' into 1.6.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      (maint) Fix Solaris 10 spec failures
      Merge branch 'maint/1.7.x/fix_solaris_spec_issue' into 1.7.x
      (maint) Fix failing manufacturer spec on Solaris 10
      Merge branch 'maint/1.6.x/fix_solaris_specs' into 1.6.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      (maint) Update Gemfile to work well on windows
      (maint) Clean up require => false in Gemfile
      Merge branch 'maint/1.7.x/bundler_on_windows' into 1.7.x
      (#16948) Fix hardwaremodel fact on windows 32 bit
      Merge branch 'fix/1.7.x/16948_windows_hardwaremodel' into 1.7.x
      (maint) Add pry to Gemfile as a development dependency
      Add on_flush fact resolution DSL method
      (#17890) Refactor the facter solaris zone facts
      Merge branch 'fix/1.7.x/17890_cleanup_zones' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch 'luisfdez-feature/virtual_fact_windows' into 1.7.x
      (maint) Fix unhandled exception when zoneadm is missing
      (#14522) Force encoding of data read from /proc/self/status
      Merge branch 'haus-ticket/1.7.x/14522_dont_read_proc_on_solaris' into 1.7.x

Jeff Weiss (21):
      (#12864) Windows: get primary DNS from registry
      (#6955) Remove relative dirs from fact search path
      (#11466) Remove deprecated memorytotal fact
      (#12147) Remove Darwin 6-specific iphostnumber fact
      Merge branch 'hkenney-ticket/master/14467_warn_when_removing_relative_paths'
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 2.0rc
      Merge branch '2.0rc' into 2.0.x
      Merge branch '2.0.x'
      (#14689) Fix SSH fact for HP-UX
      (#8963) Fix swap fact failure on SunOS if no swap
      (#8963) Test for Solaris memory & swap facts
      (#8923) Add real Solaris output to specs
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'hkenney/ticket/2.x/14700_add_tests_for_kernel_facts' into 2.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'hkenney/ticket/2.x/14700_fix_kernel_version_spec' into 2.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'hkenney/ticket/2.x/14700_fix_kernel_spec_on_windows' into 2.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'hkenney/ticket/2.x/13049_support_zfs_version_on_FreeBSD' into 2.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'hkenney/ticket/2.x/13047_support_zpool_version_on_freeBSD' into 2.x
      Merge branch '2.x'
      Merge branch 'hkenney-ticket/2.x/12649_add_memory_and_swap_values_for_freeBSD' into 2.x
      (#14827) Fix broken swap units on Mac
      Merge branch '2.x'

Jonathan Grochowski (1):
      (#10251) Creating RC tarballs should be handled by rake.

Josh Cooper (9):
      (#12012) Fix ENV['LANG'] spec tests on Windows
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      (Maint) Don't parse nil Facter::Util::Resolution output
      (Maint) Suppress spec test output
      (#22072) Execute fully resolved virt-what
      Maint: Colorize spec output on Windows
      Merge branch 'ticket/1.7.x/20072_fix_virt_what_redirection' into 1.7.x
      Maint: Fix order dependent test failure

Joshua Hoblitt (1):
      (#17029) add osfamily Gentoo

Ken Barber (25):
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      Merge branch 'ticket/9929-mageia_os'
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      Merge pull request #98 from jasongill/blockdevices-fact
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      (#6617) Deprecate DESTDIR environment variable for installer
      Merge branch 'ticket/10964-add_value_option'
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      Merge branch 'ticket/9708'
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      (maint) Fix requires for newer rspec revisions so we don't break build
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      Merge pull request #153 from rodjek/ticket/9574
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      Merge pull request #168 from cprice-puppet/bug/master/12311-with-env-needs-ensure
      Merge branch 'tickets/master/6682'
      Merge pull request #146 from nanliu/tickets/master/11969
      Merge branch 'tickets/maint/whitespace'
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      Merge branch '1.6.x'
      Merge branch 'ticket/master/12864_windows_primary_dns_suffix'

Kyle Anderson (2):
      (#19676) Add openwrt OS detection support
      Added OpenWrt (19676) ps detection and unit test for ps fact

Lex Rivera (4):
      [virtual] improve detection of proxmox-based KVM virtual machines
      [virtual] rewrite cpu-based detection of KVM-based VMs
      [virtual] add tests for dmidecode / bochs and lspci / virtio
      [virtual] use manufacturer instead of product name in Bochs/KVM detection

Luis Fernandez Alvarez (1):
      (#19761) Added virtual and is_virtual fact on Windows

Luke Kanies (1):
      (#10964) Adding the ability to directly set values

Marc Fournier (1):
      (#17794) remove :kernel confinement of {zfs,zpool}_version

Matthaus Litteken (7):
      Merge branch '1.6rc'
      Merge branch '1.6rc'
      Updating CHANGELOG, conf/redhat/facter.spec for 2.0.0rc1 release.
      (#15852) Allow RC in Puppet, Facter version strings
      Merge pull request #293 from MosesMendoza/maint/2.x/fixup_spec_file
      Merge pull request #297 from MosesMendoza/maint/2.x/revert_file_list_change_for_1_6
      Remove CHANGELOG from Facter

Matthaus Owens (22):
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      (#17854) Allow install.rb to execute from outside of source root
      Remove unused code, globs from install.rb
      Add deprecation warning for --tests flag in install.rb
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch 'release/1.6.x/1.6.17' into 1.6.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge pull request #398 from MosesMendoza/maint/1.6.x/remove_natty_from_cow_list
      (maint) Remove rc_mocks from build_defaults
      (maint) Add f18 mocks to build_defaults
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge pull request #400 from MosesMendoza/maint/1.6.x/update_build_defaults
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      (packaging) Make dmidecode arch specific on debian
      (packaging) Add amd64 cows to the cows in build_defaults
      (packaging) Add dependency on virt-what for rpm and deb packages
      (packaging) Update FACTERVERSION to 1.7.0-rc1
      (#20072) Redirect stderr to the correct null device on windows
      (#14522) Don't read /proc/self/status on Solaris
      (packaging) Update FACTERVERSION to 1.7.0-rc2
      (packaging) Update FACTERVERSION to 1.7.0

Max Riveiro (1):
      Cleaned up Arch Linux detection routine

Michael Kincaid (1):
      (#9708) Confine facts by kernel not operating system and remove confine for hardwareisa

Michael Moll (2):
      uname prints a version like "B.11.23" on HP-UX.
      HP's ssh package for HP-UX uses /etc/opt/ssh for its configuration files

Michael Renz (10):
      Fixes Bug # 1415: truncated Infiniband MAC addresses FOR LINUX ONLY.  If interface starts with ib, uses one of two methods to get infiniband MAC address and fails with a MAC address of all FF otherwise.
      ifconfig should not run twice for Linux.
      Handles ruby hanging of File.read of /sys/class/ with cat.
      #16005 Puppet agent generates ifconfig warnings on InfiniBand systems fix
      #1415 ip_spec.rb test added for linux_ifconfig_ib0
      #1415 added two methods and spec tests
      ifconfig_interface should output its output
      #1415 fixed the regex map
      #1415 ifconfig_interface change.
      #1415 updated ipaddress6_spec.rb and macaddress_spec.rb to reflect updated ifconfig STDERR redirect

Michael Stahnke (2):
      Merge branch '1.7.x'
      Merge branch '1.6.x'

Mikael Fridh (1):
      Try to get VirtualBox info without dmidecode

Moses Mendoza (20):
      Update CHANGELOG, conf/redhat/facter.spec for 2.0.0rc2
      Update CHANGELOG, conf/redhat/facter.spec for 2.0.0rc3
      Update CHANGELOG, conf/redhat/facter.spec for 2.0.0rc4
      Merge branch '2.0rc' into 2.x
      Only use git describe in Rakefile if git is present
      Fixup redhat spec file for f17
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 2.x
      Revert "Remove libexec from file list as its only in 2.x"
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      [packaging] Remove natty from the deb pkg list, its EOL
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      [packaging] Update mocks for rpmbuilder mock format
      Update lib/facter/version.rb for 1.6.18-rc1
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x
      Update lib/facter/version.rb for 1.6.18
      Merge branch 'release/1.6.18' into 1.6.x
      Merge branch '1.6.x' into 1.7.x

MosesMendoza (5):
      Merge pull request #289 from haus/ticket/2.x/15852_allow_rc_in_facter_version
      Merge pull request #363 from haus/ticket/1.7.x/17854_allow_install_from_outside_source_root
      Merge pull request #364 from haus/maint/1.7.x/install_rb_cleanup
      Merge pull request #399 from haus/maint/1.6.x/add_f18_mocks
      Merge pull request #417 from haus/packaging/1.7.x/add_virt_what_dependency

Nan Liu (3):
      (#1424) Add Solaris zonename fact.
      (#6682) Add Solaris ldom facts and update virtual detection.
      (#11969) Add zfs zpool version facts.

Nicolas Vigier (1):
      (#9929) Add support for Mageia to operatingsystem.rb and operatingsystemrelease.rb

Niels Abspoel (1):
      (#17521) Add osfamily fact ArchLinux

OMCnet Development Team (1):
      added freebsd support to processor.rb

Patrick Carlisle (6):
      Use absolute path for $LOAD_PATH in installer
      Add missing require for macaddress
      Call correct function on IP in NetMask
      Only run Facter::Memory.meminfo_number on supported platforms
      (#20053) Add missing require in ipaddress6 fact
      (Maint) Fix environment leakage in loader spec

Pierre-Gilles Mialon (1):
      (#17612) Add Google Compute Engine support to virtual fact

Russell Harrison (1):
      (#15001) Return correct value for ipaddress6 for Fedora 17+

Stefan Schulte (3):
      (#11082) Add fact operatingsystemrelease for Solaris
      (#11082) Add negative tests for operatingsystemrelease
      (#12790) Raise an exception if recursion is detected

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen (1):
      Imported Upstream version 1.7.0

Tim Sharpe (1):
      (#9574) Add filesystem fact & tests

Timur Batyrshin (1):
      Removed exclusive threading

Toby Hsieh (2):
      (#18308) Use argv in Facter::Application.parse
      Add tests for Facter::Application.parse

Todd Zullinger (2):
      Improve rubysitedir fact
      (#19989) Filter virt-what warnings from virtual fact

Wolf Noble (1):
      (19873) Add OS major release fact

cprice (1):
      (#12311) use 'ensure' to restore env vars in Resolution.with_env

rahul (2):
      (#1424) Added facts zones, zone_ & zonename for solaris.
      (#1424) Adds zone facts for solaris.

rlinehan (6):
      (#2066) Add memory facts fixed in MB units
      (#2066) Refactor memory facts
      (#2066) Refactor swap facts
      (#2066) Add tests for AIX
      (#2066) Refactor memory size and memory free facts
      (#2066) Fix facts for Linux/kFreeBSD and add tests

scepticulous (1):
      (#13396) Unify ifconfig usage and lookup ifconfig path to fix support for recent net-tools


Packaging of Facter for debian

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