[Pkg-puppet-devel] [facter] 192/352: (FACT-94) Unvendor CFPropertyList

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Sun Apr 6 22:21:44 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ssm pushed a commit to branch master
in repository facter.

commit 5b90132eeabcfd9cb34b1c6357d0ea69baa65cb9
Author: Adrien Thebo <git at somethingsinistral.net>
Date:   Tue Jan 28 16:11:21 2014 -0800

    (FACT-94) Unvendor CFPropertyList
    Vendoring CFPropertyList inside of Facter has proven to be very
    problematic. Since it's possible to treat CFPropertyList as a real
    dependency via gems and can be bundled at build time for DMGs, there's
    no real need to vendor it inside of Facter. This commit removes the
    vendored code and prevents facter/util/macosx from being loaded on
    non-osx platforms.
 lib/facter/macosx.rb                               |   4 +-
 lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist.rb                  |   6 -
 lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/LICENSE             |  19 -
 lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/README              |  44 --
 lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/Rakefile            |  44 --
 lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/THANKS              |   7 -
 .../util/cfpropertylist/lib/cfpropertylist.rb      |   6 -
 .../cfpropertylist/lib/rbBinaryCFPropertyList.rb   | 562 ---------------------
 .../util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFPlistError.rb      |  26 -
 .../util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFPropertyList.rb    | 407 ---------------
 lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFTypes.rb    | 244 ---------
 .../util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbLibXMLParser.rb      | 135 -----
 .../util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbNokogiriParser.rb    | 140 -----
 .../util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbREXMLParser.rb       | 136 -----
 lib/facter/util/macosx.rb                          |  11 +-
 spec/unit/util/macosx_spec.rb                      |   2 +-
 16 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 1785 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/facter/macosx.rb b/lib/facter/macosx.rb
index 74a0cc7..c106f9b 100644
--- a/lib/facter/macosx.rb
+++ b/lib/facter/macosx.rb
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
 # at this point in time.
 # In particular, Installed Software might be an interesting addition.
-require 'facter/util/macosx'
 if Facter.value(:kernel) == "Darwin"
+  require 'facter/util/macosx'
   Facter::Util::Macosx.hardware_overview.each do |fact, value|
     Facter.add("sp_#{fact}") do
       confine :kernel => :darwin
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist.rb b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 337e0bb..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'cfpropertylist', 'lib', 'rbCFPropertyList.rb')
-# eof
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/LICENSE b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index ba6ffb2..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2010 Christian Kruse, <cjk at wwwtech.de>
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
-copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
-in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/README b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 4763f88..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-CFPropertyList implementation
-class to read, manipulate and write both XML and binary property list
-files (plist(5)) as defined by Apple. Have a look at CFPropertyList::List
-for more documentation.
-== Installation
-You could either use ruby gems and install it via
-  gem install CFPropertyList
-or you could clone this repository and place it somewhere in your load path.
-== Example
-  require 'cfpropertylist'
-  # create a arbitrary data structure of basic data types
-  data = {
-    'name' => 'John Doe',
-    'missing' => true,
-    'last_seen' => Time.now,
-    'friends' => ['Jane Doe','Julian Doe'],
-    'likes' => {
-      'me' => false
-    }
-  }
-  # create CFPropertyList::List object
-  plist = CFPropertyList::List.new
-  # call CFPropertyList.guess() to create corresponding CFType values
-  plist.value = CFPropertyList.guess(data)
-  # write plist to file
-  plist.save("example.plist", CFPropertyList::List::FORMAT_BINARY)
-  # … later, read it again
-  plist = CFPropertyList::List.new(:file => "example.plist")
-  data = CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value)
-Author::    Christian Kruse (mailto:cjk at wwwtech.de)
-Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010
-License::   MIT License
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/Rakefile b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/Rakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dd90bd..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/Rakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-require 'rubygems'
-require 'rubygems/package_task'
-require 'rdoc/task'
-require 'rake/testtask'
-spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
-  s.name = "CFPropertyList"
-  s.version = "2.1"
-  s.author = "Christian Kruse"
-  s.email = "cjk at wwwtech.de"
-  s.homepage = "http://github.com/ckruse/CFPropertyList"
-  s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
-  s.summary = "Read, write and manipulate both binary and XML property lists as defined by apple"
-  s.description = "This is a module to read, write and manipulate both binary and XML property lists as defined by apple."
-  s.files = FileList["lib/*"].to_a
-  s.require_path = "lib"
-  #s.autorequire = "name"
-  #s.test_files = FileList["{test}/**/*test.rb"].to_a
-  s.has_rdoc = true
-  s.extra_rdoc_files = ["README"]
-  s.add_development_dependency("rake",">=0.7.0")
-desc 'Generate RDoc documentation for the CFPropertyList module.'
-Rake::RDocTask.new do |rdoc|
-  files = ['README', 'LICENSE', 'lib/*.rb']
-  rdoc.rdoc_files.add(files)
-  rdoc.main = 'README'
-  rdoc.title = 'CFPropertyList RDoc'
-  rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc'
-  rdoc.options << '--line-numbers' << '--inline-source' << '-c utf8'
-Gem::PackageTask.new(spec) do |pkg|
-  pkg.need_tar = true
-Rake::TestTask.new do |test|
-  test.libs << 'test'
-  test.test_files = Dir.glob('test/test*.rb')
-# eof
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/THANKS b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/THANKS
deleted file mode 100644
index c981a51..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/THANKS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Special thanks to:
-Steve Madsen for providing a lot of performance patches and bugfixes!
-Have a look at his Github account: <http://github.com/sjmadsen>
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/cfpropertylist.rb b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/cfpropertylist.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 29fd8a1..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/cfpropertylist.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/rbCFPropertyList.rb'
-# eof
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbBinaryCFPropertyList.rb b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbBinaryCFPropertyList.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 98f5c87..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbBinaryCFPropertyList.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,562 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-module Facter::Util::CFPropertyList
-  # Binary PList parser class
-  class Binary
-    # Read a binary plist file
-    def load(opts)
-      @unique_table = {}
-      @count_objects = 0
-      @object_refs = 0
-      @written_object_count = 0
-      @object_table = []
-      @object_ref_size = 0
-      @offsets = []
-      fd = nil
-      if(opts.has_key?(:file))
-        fd = File.open(opts[:file],"rb")
-        file = opts[:file]
-      else
-        fd = StringIO.new(opts[:data],"rb")
-        file = "<string>"
-      end
-      # first, we read the trailer: 32 byte from the end
-      fd.seek(-32,IO::SEEK_END)
-      buff = fd.read(32)
-      offset_size, object_ref_size, number_of_objects, top_object, table_offset = buff.unpack "x6CCx4Nx4Nx4N"
-      # after that, get the offset table
-      fd.seek(table_offset, IO::SEEK_SET)
-      coded_offset_table = fd.read(number_of_objects * offset_size)
-      raise CFFormatError.new("#{file}: Format error!") unless coded_offset_table.bytesize == number_of_objects * offset_size
-      @count_objects = number_of_objects
-      # decode offset table
-      formats = ["","C*","n*","(H6)*","N*"]
-      @offsets = coded_offset_table.unpack(formats[offset_size])
-      if(offset_size == 3)
-        0.upto(@offsets.size-1) { |i| @offsets[i] = @offsets[i].to_i(16) }
-      end
-      @object_ref_size = object_ref_size
-      val = read_binary_object_at(file,fd,top_object)
-      fd.close
-      val
-    end
-    # Convert Facter::Util::CFPropertyList to binary format; since we have to count our objects we simply unique CFDictionary and CFArray
-    def to_str(opts={})
-      @unique_table = {}
-      @count_objects = 0
-      @object_refs = 0
-      @written_object_count = 0
-      @object_table = []
-      @offsets = []
-      binary_str = "bplist00"
-      @object_refs = count_object_refs(opts[:root])
-      opts[:root].to_binary(self)
-      next_offset = 8
-      offsets = @object_table.map do |object|
-        offset = next_offset
-        next_offset += object.bytesize
-        offset
-      end
-      binary_str << @object_table.join
-      table_offset = next_offset
-      offset_size = Binary.bytes_needed(table_offset)
-      if offset_size < 8
-        # Fast path: encode the entire offset array at once.
-        binary_str << offsets.pack((%w(C n N N)[offset_size - 1]) + '*')
-      else
-        # Slow path: host may be little or big endian, must pack each offset
-        # separately.
-        offsets.each do |offset|
-          binary_str << "#{Binary.pack_it_with_size(offset_size,offset)}"
-        end
-      end
-      binary_str << [offset_size, object_ref_size(@object_refs)].pack("x6CC")
-      binary_str << [@object_table.size].pack("x4N")
-      binary_str << [0].pack("x4N")
-      binary_str << [table_offset].pack("x4N")
-      binary_str
-    end
-    def object_ref_size object_refs
-      Binary.bytes_needed(object_refs)
-    end
-    # read a „null” type (i.e. null byte, marker byte, bool value)
-    def read_binary_null_type(length)
-      case length
-      when 0  then 0 # null byte
-      when 8  then CFBoolean.new(false)
-      when 9  then CFBoolean.new(true)
-      when 15 then 15 # fill type
-      else
-        raise CFFormatError.new("unknown null type: #{length}")
-      end
-    end
-    protected :read_binary_null_type
-    # read a binary int value
-    def read_binary_int(fname,fd,length)
-      if length > 3
-        raise CFFormatError.new("Integer greater than 8 bytes: #{length}")
-      end
-      nbytes = 1 << length
-      buff = fd.read(nbytes)
-      CFInteger.new(
-        case length
-        when 0 then buff.unpack("C")[0]
-        when 1 then buff.unpack("n")[0]
-        when 2 then buff.unpack("N")[0]
-        when 3
-          hiword,loword = buff.unpack("NN")
-          if (hiword & 0x80000000) != 0
-            # 8 byte integers are always signed, and are negative when bit 63 is
-            # set. Decoding into either a Fixnum or Bignum is tricky, however,
-            # because the size of a Fixnum varies among systems, and Ruby
-            # doesn't consider the number to be negative, and won't sign extend.
-            -(2**63 - ((hiword & 0x7fffffff) << 32 | loword))
-          else
-            hiword << 32 | loword
-          end
-        end
-      )
-    end
-    protected :read_binary_int
-    # read a binary real value
-    def read_binary_real(fname,fd,length)
-      raise CFFormatError.new("Real greater than 8 bytes: #{length}") if length > 3
-      nbytes = 1 << length
-      buff = fd.read(nbytes)
-      CFReal.new(
-        case length
-        when 0 # 1 byte float? must be an error
-          raise CFFormatError.new("got #{length+1} byte float, must be an error!")
-        when 1 # 2 byte float? must be an error
-          raise CFFormatError.new("got #{length+1} byte float, must be an error!")
-        when 2 then
-          buff.reverse.unpack("f")[0]
-        when 3 then
-          buff.reverse.unpack("d")[0]
-        else
-          fail "unexpected length: #{length}"
-        end
-      )
-    end
-    protected :read_binary_real
-    # read a binary date value
-    def read_binary_date(fname,fd,length)
-      raise CFFormatError.new("Date greater than 8 bytes: #{length}") if length > 3
-      nbytes = 1 << length
-      buff = fd.read(nbytes)
-      CFDate.new(
-        case length
-        when 0 then # 1 byte CFDate is an error
-          raise CFFormatError.new("#{length+1} byte CFDate, error")
-        when 1 then # 2 byte CFDate is an error
-          raise CFFormatError.new("#{length+1} byte CFDate, error")
-        when 2 then
-          buff.reverse.unpack("f")[0]
-        when 3 then
-          buff.reverse.unpack("d")[0]
-        end,
-      )
-    end
-    protected :read_binary_date
-    # Read a binary data value
-    def read_binary_data(fname,fd,length)
-      CFData.new(read_fd(fd, length), CFData::DATA_RAW)
-    end
-    protected :read_binary_data
-    def read_fd fd, length
-      length > 0 ? fd.read(length) : ""
-    end
-    # Read a binary string value
-    def read_binary_string(fname,fd,length)
-      buff = read_fd fd, length
-      @unique_table[buff] = true unless @unique_table.has_key?(buff)
-      CFString.new(buff)
-    end
-    protected :read_binary_string
-    # Convert the given string from one charset to another
-    def Binary.charset_convert(str,from,to="UTF-8")
-      return str.clone.force_encoding(from).encode(to) if str.respond_to?("encode")
-      Iconv.conv(to,from,str)
-    end
-    # Count characters considering character set
-    def Binary.charset_strlen(str,charset="UTF-8")
-      if str.respond_to?(:encode)
-        size = str.length
-      else
-        utf8_str = Iconv.conv("UTF-8",charset,str)
-        size = utf8_str.scan(/./mu).size
-      end
-      # UTF-16 code units in the range D800-DBFF are the beginning of
-      # a surrogate pair, and count as one additional character for
-      # length calculation.
-      if charset =~ /^UTF-16/
-        if str.respond_to?(:encode)
-          str.bytes.to_a.each_slice(2) { |pair| size += 1 if (0xd8..0xdb).include?(pair[0]) }
-        else
-          str.split('').each_slice(2) { |pair| size += 1 if ("\xd8".."\xdb").include?(pair[0]) }
-        end
-      end
-      size
-    end
-    # Read a unicode string value, coded as UTF-16BE
-    def read_binary_unicode_string(fname,fd,length)
-      # The problem is: we get the length of the string IN CHARACTERS;
-      # since a char in UTF-16 can be 16 or 32 bit long, we don't really know
-      # how long the string is in bytes
-      buff = fd.read(2*length)
-      @unique_table[buff] = true unless @unique_table.has_key?(buff)
-      CFString.new(Binary.charset_convert(buff,"UTF-16BE","UTF-8"))
-    end
-    protected :read_binary_unicode_string
-    # Read an binary array value, including contained objects
-    def read_binary_array(fname,fd,length)
-      ary = []
-      # first: read object refs
-      if(length != 0)
-        buff = fd.read(length * @object_ref_size)
-        objects = buff.unpack(@object_ref_size == 1 ? "C*" : "n*")
-        # now: read objects
-        0.upto(length-1) do |i|
-          object = read_binary_object_at(fname,fd,objects[i])
-          ary.push object
-        end
-      end
-      CFArray.new(ary)
-    end
-    protected :read_binary_array
-    # Read a dictionary value, including contained objects
-    def read_binary_dict(fname,fd,length)
-      dict = {}
-      # first: read keys
-      if(length != 0) then
-        buff = fd.read(length * @object_ref_size)
-        keys = buff.unpack(@object_ref_size == 1 ? "C*" : "n*")
-        # second: read object refs
-        buff = fd.read(length * @object_ref_size)
-        objects = buff.unpack(@object_ref_size == 1 ? "C*" : "n*")
-        # read real keys and objects
-        0.upto(length-1) do |i|
-          key = read_binary_object_at(fname,fd,keys[i])
-          object = read_binary_object_at(fname,fd,objects[i])
-          dict[key.value] = object
-        end
-      end
-      CFDictionary.new(dict)
-    end
-    protected :read_binary_dict
-    # Read an object type byte, decode it and delegate to the correct reader function
-    def read_binary_object(fname,fd)
-      # first: read the marker byte
-      buff = fd.read(1)
-      object_length = buff.unpack("C*")
-      object_length = object_length[0]  & 0xF
-      buff = buff.unpack("H*")
-      object_type = buff[0][0].chr
-      if(object_type != "0" && object_length == 15) then
-        object_length = read_binary_object(fname,fd)
-        object_length = object_length.value
-      end
-      case object_type
-      when '0' # null, false, true, fillbyte
-        read_binary_null_type(object_length)
-      when '1' # integer
-        read_binary_int(fname,fd,object_length)
-      when '2' # real
-        read_binary_real(fname,fd,object_length)
-      when '3' # date
-        read_binary_date(fname,fd,object_length)
-      when '4' # data
-        read_binary_data(fname,fd,object_length)
-      when '5' # byte string, usually utf8 encoded
-        read_binary_string(fname,fd,object_length)
-      when '6' # unicode string (utf16be)
-        read_binary_unicode_string(fname,fd,object_length)
-      when 'a' # array
-        read_binary_array(fname,fd,object_length)
-      when 'd' # dictionary
-        read_binary_dict(fname,fd,object_length)
-      end
-    end
-    protected :read_binary_object
-    # Read an object type byte at position $pos, decode it and delegate to the correct reader function
-    def read_binary_object_at(fname,fd,pos)
-      position = @offsets[pos]
-      fd.seek(position,IO::SEEK_SET)
-      read_binary_object(fname,fd)
-    end
-    protected :read_binary_object_at
-    # pack an +int+ of +nbytes+ with size
-    def Binary.pack_it_with_size(nbytes,int)
-      case nbytes
-      when 1 then [int].pack('c')
-      when 2 then [int].pack('n')
-      when 4 then [int].pack('N')
-      when 8
-        [int >> 32, int & 0xFFFFFFFF].pack('NN')
-      else
-        raise CFFormatError.new("Don't know how to pack #{nbytes} byte integer")
-      end
-    end
-    def Binary.pack_int_array_with_size(nbytes, array)
-      case nbytes
-      when 1 then array.pack('C*')
-      when 2 then array.pack('n*')
-      when 4 then array.pack('N*')
-      when 8
-        array.map { |int| [int >> 32, int & 0xFFFFFFFF].pack('NN') }.join
-      else
-        raise CFFormatError.new("Don't know how to pack #{nbytes} byte integer")
-      end
-    end
-    # calculate how many bytes are needed to save +count+
-    def Binary.bytes_needed(count)
-      case
-      when count < 2**8  then 1
-      when count < 2**16 then 2
-      when count < 2**32 then 4
-      when count < 2**64 then 8
-      else
-        raise CFFormatError.new("Data size too large: #{count}")
-      end
-    end
-    # Create a type byte for binary format as defined by apple
-    def Binary.type_bytes(type, length)
-      if length < 15
-        [(type << 4) | length].pack('C')
-      else
-        bytes = [(type << 4) | 0xF]
-        if length <= 0xFF
-          bytes.push(0x10, length).pack('CCC')                              # 1 byte length
-        elsif length <= 0xFFFF
-          bytes.push(0x11, length).pack('CCn')                              # 2 byte length
-        elsif length <= 0xFFFFFFFF
-          bytes.push(0x12, length).pack('CCN')                              # 4 byte length
-        elsif length <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
-          bytes.push(0x13, length >> 32, length & 0xFFFFFFFF).pack('CCNN')  # 8 byte length
-        else
-          raise CFFormatError.new("Integer too large: #{int}")
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    def count_object_refs(object)
-      case object
-      when CFArray
-        contained_refs = 0
-        object.value.each do |element|
-          if CFArray === element || CFDictionary === element
-            contained_refs += count_object_refs(element)
-          end
-        end
-        return object.value.size + contained_refs
-      when CFDictionary
-        contained_refs = 0
-        object.value.each_value do |value|
-          if CFArray === value || CFDictionary === value
-            contained_refs += count_object_refs(value)
-          end
-        end
-        return object.value.keys.size * 2 + contained_refs
-      else
-        return 0
-      end
-    end
-    def Binary.ascii_string?(str)
-      if str.respond_to?(:ascii_only?)
-        str.ascii_only?
-      else
-        str !~ /[\x80-\xFF]/mn
-      end
-    end
-    # Uniques and transforms a string value to binary format and adds it to the object table
-    def string_to_binary(val)
-      val = val.to_s
-      @unique_table[val] ||= begin
-        if !Binary.ascii_string?(val)
-          utf8_strlen = Binary.charset_strlen(val, "UTF-8")
-          val = Binary.charset_convert(val,"UTF-8","UTF-16BE")
-          bdata = Binary.type_bytes(0b0110, Binary.charset_strlen(val,"UTF-16BE"))
-          val.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") if val.respond_to?("encode")
-          @object_table[@written_object_count] = bdata << val
-        else
-          utf8_strlen = val.bytesize
-          bdata = Binary.type_bytes(0b0101,val.bytesize)
-          @object_table[@written_object_count] = bdata << val
-        end
-        @written_object_count += 1
-        @written_object_count - 1
-      end
-    end
-    # Codes an integer to binary format
-    def int_to_binary(value)
-      nbytes = 0
-      nbytes = 1  if value > 0xFF # 1 byte integer
-      nbytes += 1 if value > 0xFFFF # 4 byte integer
-      nbytes += 1 if value > 0xFFFFFFFF # 8 byte integer
-      nbytes = 3  if value < 0 # 8 byte integer, since signed
-      Binary.type_bytes(0b0001, nbytes) <<
-        if nbytes < 3
-          [value].pack(
-            if nbytes == 0    then "C"
-            elsif nbytes == 1 then "n"
-            else "N"
-            end
-          )
-        else
-          # 64 bit signed integer; we need the higher and the lower 32 bit of the value
-          high_word = value >> 32
-          low_word = value & 0xFFFFFFFF
-          [high_word,low_word].pack("NN")
-        end
-    end
-    # Codes a real value to binary format
-    def real_to_binary(val)
-      Binary.type_bytes(0b0010,3) << [val].pack("d").reverse
-    end
-    # Converts a numeric value to binary and adds it to the object table
-    def num_to_binary(value)
-      @object_table[@written_object_count] =
-        if value.is_a?(CFInteger)
-          int_to_binary(value.value)
-        else
-          real_to_binary(value.value)
-        end
-      @written_object_count += 1
-      @written_object_count - 1
-    end
-    # Convert date value (apple format) to binary and adds it to the object table
-    def date_to_binary(val)
-      val = val.getutc.to_f - CFDate::DATE_DIFF_APPLE_UNIX # CFDate is a real, number of seconds since 01/01/2001 00:00:00 GMT
-      @object_table[@written_object_count] =
-        (Binary.type_bytes(0b0011, 3) << [val].pack("d").reverse)
-      @written_object_count += 1
-      @written_object_count - 1
-    end
-    # Convert a bool value to binary and add it to the object table
-    def bool_to_binary(val)
-      @object_table[@written_object_count] = val ? "\x9" : "\x8" # 0x9 is 1001, type indicator for true; 0x8 is 1000, type indicator for false
-      @written_object_count += 1
-      @written_object_count - 1
-    end
-    # Convert data value to binary format and add it to the object table
-    def data_to_binary(val)
-      @object_table[@written_object_count] =
-        (Binary.type_bytes(0b0100, val.bytesize) << val)
-      @written_object_count += 1
-      @written_object_count - 1
-    end
-    # Convert array to binary format and add it to the object table
-    def array_to_binary(val)
-      saved_object_count = @written_object_count
-      @written_object_count += 1
-      #@object_refs += val.value.size
-      values = val.value.map { |v| v.to_binary(self) }
-      bdata = Binary.type_bytes(0b1010, val.value.size) <<
-        Binary.pack_int_array_with_size(object_ref_size(@object_refs),
-                                        values)
-      @object_table[saved_object_count] = bdata
-      saved_object_count
-    end
-    # Convert dictionary to binary format and add it to the object table
-    def dict_to_binary(val)
-      saved_object_count = @written_object_count
-      @written_object_count += 1
-      #@object_refs += val.value.keys.size * 2
-      keys_and_values = val.value.keys.map { |k| CFString.new(k).to_binary(self) }
-      keys_and_values.concat(val.value.values.map { |v| v.to_binary(self) })
-      bdata = Binary.type_bytes(0b1101,val.value.size) <<
-        Binary.pack_int_array_with_size(object_ref_size(@object_refs), keys_and_values)
-      @object_table[saved_object_count] = bdata
-      return saved_object_count
-    end
-  end
-# eof
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFPlistError.rb b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFPlistError.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 07ee1c1..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFPlistError.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Exceptions used:
-# CFPlistError:: General base exception
-# CFFormatError:: Format error
-# CFTypeError:: Type error
-# Easy and simple :-)
-# Author::    Christian Kruse (mailto:cjk at wwwtech.de)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010
-# License::   MIT License
-# general plist error. All exceptions thrown are derived from this class.
-class CFPlistError < Exception
-# Exception thrown when format errors occur
-class CFFormatError < CFPlistError
-# Exception thrown when type errors occur
-class CFTypeError < CFPlistError
-# eof
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFPropertyList.rb b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFPropertyList.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3acdbba..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFPropertyList.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,407 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-require 'kconv'
-require 'date'
-require 'time'
-# Facter::Util::CFPropertyList implementation
-# class to read, manipulate and write both XML and binary property list
-# files (plist(5)) as defined by Apple. Have a look at Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List
-# for more documentation.
-# == Example
-#   require 'cfpropertylist'
-#   # create a arbitrary data structure of basic data types
-#   data = {
-#     'name' => 'John Doe',
-#     'missing' => true,
-#     'last_seen' => Time.now,
-#     'friends' => ['Jane Doe','Julian Doe'],
-#     'likes' => {
-#       'me' => false
-#     }
-#   }
-#   # create Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List object
-#   plist = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List.new
-#   # call Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.guess() to create corresponding CFType values
-#   # pass in optional :convert_unknown_to_string => true to convert things like symbols into strings.
-#   plist.value = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.guess(data)
-#   # write plist to file
-#   plist.save("example.plist", Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List::FORMAT_BINARY)
-#   # … later, read it again
-#   plist = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List.new(:file => "example.plist")
-#   data = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value)
-# Author::    Christian Kruse (mailto:cjk at wwwtech.de)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2010
-# License::   MIT License
-module Facter::Util::CFPropertyList
-  # interface class for PList parsers
-  class ParserInterface
-    # load a plist
-    def load(opts={})
-      return ""
-    end
-    # convert a plist to string
-    def to_str(opts={})
-      return true
-    end
-  end
-  class XMLParserInterface < ParserInterface
-    def new_node(name)
-    end
-    def new_text(val)
-    end
-    def append_node(parent, child)
-    end
-  end
-class String
-  unless("".respond_to?(:blob) && "".respond_to?(:blob=)) then
-    # The blob status of this string (to set to true if a binary string)
-    attr_accessor :blob
-  end
-  unless("".respond_to?(:blob?)) then
-    # Returns whether or not +str+ is a blob.
-    # @return [true,false] If true, this string contains binary data. If false, its a regular string
-    def blob?
-      blob
-    end
-  end
-  unless("".respond_to?(:bytesize)) then
-    def bytesize
-      self.length
-    end
-  end
-dirname = File.dirname(__FILE__)
-require dirname + '/rbCFPlistError.rb'
-require dirname + '/rbCFTypes.rb'
-require dirname + '/rbBinaryCFPropertyList.rb'
-require 'iconv' unless "".respond_to?("encode")
-  Enumerable::Enumerator.new([])
-rescue NameError => e
-  module Enumerable
-    class Enumerator
-    end
-  end
-  require dirname + '/rbLibXMLParser.rb'
-  try_nokogiri = false
-rescue LoadError => e
-  try_nokogiri = true
-if try_nokogiri then
-  begin
-    require dirname + '/rbNokogiriParser.rb'
-  rescue LoadError => e
-    require dirname + '/rbREXMLParser.rb'
-  end
-module Facter::Util::CFPropertyList
-  # Create CFType hierarchy by guessing the correct CFType, e.g.
-  #
-  #  x = {
-  #    'a' => ['b','c','d']
-  #  }
-  #  cftypes = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.guess(x)
-  #
-  # pass optional options hash. Only possible value actually:
-  # +convert_unknown_to_string+::   Convert unknown objects to string calling to_str()
-  # +converter_method+::    Convert unknown objects to known objects calling +method_name+
-  #
-  #  cftypes = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.guess(x,:convert_unknown_to_string => true,:converter_method => :to_hash, :converter_with_opts => true)
-  def guess(object, options = {})
-    case object
-    when Fixnum, Integer       then CFInteger.new(object)
-    when Float                 then CFReal.new(object)
-    when TrueClass, FalseClass then CFBoolean.new(object)
-    when String
-      object.blob? ? CFData.new(object, CFData::DATA_RAW) : CFString.new(object)
-    when Time, DateTime, Date  then CFDate.new(object)
-    when Array, Enumerator, Enumerable::Enumerator
-      ary = Array.new
-      object.each do |o|
-        ary.push Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.guess(o, options)
-      end
-      CFArray.new(ary)
-    when Hash
-      hsh = Hash.new
-      object.each_pair do |k,v|
-        k = k.to_s if k.is_a?(Symbol)
-        hsh[k] = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.guess(v, options)
-      end
-      CFDictionary.new(hsh)
-    else
-      case
-      when Object.const_defined?('BigDecimal') && object.is_a?(BigDecimal)
-        CFReal.new(object)
-      when object.respond_to?(:read)
-        raw_data = object.read
-        # treat the data as a bytestring (ASCII-8BIT) if Ruby supports it.  Do this by forcing
-        # the encoding, on the assumption that the bytes were read correctly, and just tagged with
-        # an inappropriate encoding, rather than transcoding.
-        raw_data.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) if raw_data.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
-        CFData.new(raw_data, CFData::DATA_RAW)
-      when options[:converter_method] && object.respond_to?(options[:converter_method])
-        if options[:converter_with_opts]
-          Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.guess(object.send(options[:converter_method],options),options)
-        else
-          Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.guess(object.send(options[:converter_method]),options)
-        end
-      when options[:convert_unknown_to_string]
-        CFString.new(object.to_s)
-      else
-        raise CFTypeError.new("Unknown class #{object.class.to_s}. Try using :convert_unknown_to_string if you want to use unknown object types!")
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  # Converts a CFType hiercharchy to native Ruby types
-  def native_types(object,keys_as_symbols=false)
-    return if object.nil?
-    if(object.is_a?(CFDate) || object.is_a?(CFString) || object.is_a?(CFInteger) || object.is_a?(CFReal) || object.is_a?(CFBoolean)) then
-      return object.value
-    elsif(object.is_a?(CFData)) then
-      return object.decoded_value
-    elsif(object.is_a?(CFArray)) then
-      ary = []
-      object.value.each do
-        |v|
-        ary.push Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.native_types(v)
-      end
-      return ary
-    elsif(object.is_a?(CFDictionary)) then
-      hsh = {}
-      object.value.each_pair do
-        |k,v|
-        k = k.to_sym if keys_as_symbols
-        hsh[k] = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.native_types(v)
-      end
-      return hsh
-    end
-  end
-  module_function :guess, :native_types
-  # Class representing a Facter::Util::CFPropertyList. Instanciate with #new
-  class List
-    # Format constant for binary format
-    # Format constant for XML format
-    FORMAT_XML = 2
-    # Format constant for automatic format recognizing
-    FORMAT_AUTO = 0
-    @@parsers = [Binary,XML]
-    # Path of PropertyList
-    attr_accessor :filename
-    # Path of PropertyList
-    attr_accessor :format
-    # the root value in the plist file
-    attr_accessor :value
-    # initialize a new Facter::Util::CFPropertyList, arguments are:
-    #
-    # :file:: Parse a file
-    # :format:: Format is one of FORMAT_BINARY or FORMAT_XML. Defaults to FORMAT_AUTO
-    # :data:: Parse a string
-    #
-    # All arguments are optional
-    def initialize(opts={})
-      @filename = opts[:file]
-      @format = opts[:format] || FORMAT_AUTO
-      @data = opts[:data]
-      load(@filename) unless @filename.nil?
-      load_str(@data) unless @data.nil?
-    end
-    # Load an XML PropertyList
-    # filename = nil:: The filename to read from; if nil, read from the file defined by instance variable +filename+
-    def load_xml(filename=nil)
-      load(filename,List::FORMAT_XML)
-    end
-    # read a binary plist file
-    # filename = nil:: The filename to read from; if nil, read from the file defined by instance variable +filename+
-    def load_binary(filename=nil)
-      load(filename,List::FORMAT_BINARY)
-    end
-    # load a plist from a XML string
-    # str:: The string containing the plist
-    def load_xml_str(str=nil)
-      load_str(str,List::FORMAT_XML)
-    end
-    # load a plist from a binary string
-    # str:: The string containing the plist
-    def load_binary_str(str=nil)
-      load_str(str,List::FORMAT_BINARY)
-    end
-    # load a plist from a string
-    # str = nil:: The string containing the plist
-    # format = nil:: The format of the plist
-    def load_str(str=nil,format=nil)
-      str = @data if str.nil?
-      format = @format if format.nil?
-      @value = {}
-      case format
-      when List::FORMAT_BINARY, List::FORMAT_XML then
-        prsr = @@parsers[format-1].new
-        @value = prsr.load({:data => str})
-      when List::FORMAT_AUTO then # what we now do is ugly, but neccessary to recognize the file format
-        filetype = str[0..5]
-        version = str[6..7]
-        prsr = nil
-        if filetype == "bplist" then
-          raise CFFormatError.new("Wong file version #{version}") unless version == "00"
-          prsr = Binary.new
-        else
-          prsr = XML.new
-        end
-        @value = prsr.load({:data => str})
-      end
-    end
-    # Read a plist file
-    # file = nil:: The filename of the file to read. If nil, use +filename+ instance variable
-    # format = nil:: The format of the plist file. Auto-detect if nil
-    def load(file=nil,format=nil)
-      file = @filename if file.nil?
-      format = @format if format.nil?
-      @value = {}
-      raise IOError.new("File #{file} not readable!") unless File.readable? file
-      case format
-      when List::FORMAT_BINARY, List::FORMAT_XML then
-        prsr = @@parsers[format-1].new
-        @value = prsr.load({:file => file})
-      when List::FORMAT_AUTO then # what we now do is ugly, but neccessary to recognize the file format
-        magic_number = IO.read(file,8)
-        filetype = magic_number[0..5]
-        version = magic_number[6..7]
-        prsr = nil
-        if filetype == "bplist" then
-          raise CFFormatError.new("Wong file version #{version}") unless version == "00"
-          prsr = Binary.new
-        else
-          prsr = XML.new
-        end
-        @value = prsr.load({:file => file})
-      end
-    end
-    # Serialize Facter::Util::CFPropertyList object to specified format and write it to file
-    # file = nil:: The filename of the file to write to. Uses +filename+ instance variable if nil
-    # format = nil:: The format to save in. Uses +format+ instance variable if nil
-    def save(file=nil,format=nil,opts={})
-      format = @format if format.nil?
-      file = @filename if file.nil?
-      raise CFFormatError.new("Format #{format} not supported, use List::FORMAT_BINARY or List::FORMAT_XML") if format != FORMAT_BINARY && format != FORMAT_XML
-      if(!File.exists?(file)) then
-        raise IOError.new("File #{file} not writable!") unless File.writable?(File.dirname(file))
-      elsif(!File.writable?(file)) then
-        raise IOError.new("File #{file} not writable!")
-      end
-      opts[:root] = @value
-      prsr = @@parsers[format-1].new
-      content = prsr.to_str(opts)
-      File.open(file, 'wb') {
-        |fd|
-        fd.write content
-      }
-    end
-    # convert plist to string
-    # format = List::FORMAT_BINARY:: The format to save the plist
-    # opts={}:: Pass parser options
-    def to_str(format=List::FORMAT_BINARY,opts={})
-      prsr = @@parsers[format-1].new
-      opts[:root] = @value
-      return prsr.to_str(opts)
-    end
-  end
-class Array
-  # convert an array to plist format
-  def to_plist(options={})
-    options[:plist_format] ||= Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List::FORMAT_BINARY
-    plist = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List.new
-    plist.value = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.guess(self, options)
-    plist.to_str(options[:plist_format])
-  end
-class Enumerator
-  # convert an array to plist format
-  def to_plist(options={})
-    options[:plist_format] ||= Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List::FORMAT_BINARY
-    plist = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List.new
-    plist.value = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.guess(self, options)
-    plist.to_str(options[:plist_format])
-  end
-class Hash
-  # convert a hash to plist format
-  def to_plist(options={})
-    options[:plist_format] ||= Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List::FORMAT_BINARY
-    plist = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List.new
-    plist.value = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.guess(self, options)
-    plist.to_str(options[:plist_format])
-  end
-# eof
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFTypes.rb b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFTypes.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 547801f..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbCFTypes.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# CFTypes, e.g. CFString, CFInteger
-# needed to create unambiguous plists
-# Author::    Christian Kruse (mailto:cjk at wwwtech.de)
-# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2009
-# License::   MIT License
-require 'base64'
-module Facter::Util::CFPropertyList
-  # This class defines the base class for all CFType classes
-  #
-  class CFType
-    # value of the type
-    attr_accessor :value
-    def initialize(value=nil)
-      @value = value
-    end
-    def to_xml(parser)
-    end
-    def to_binary(bplist) end
-  end
-  # This class holds string values, both, UTF-8 and UTF-16BE
-  # It will convert the value to UTF-16BE if necessary (i.e. if non-ascii char contained)
-  class CFString < CFType
-    # convert to XML
-    def to_xml(parser)
-      n = parser.new_node('string')
-      n = parser.append_node(n, parser.new_text(@value)) unless @value.nil?
-      n
-    end
-    # convert to binary
-    def to_binary(bplist)
-      bplist.string_to_binary(@value);
-    end
-  end
-  # This class holds integer/fixnum values
-  class CFInteger < CFType
-    # convert to XML
-    def to_xml(parser)
-      n = parser.new_node('integer')
-      n = parser.append_node(n, parser.new_text(@value.to_s))
-      n
-    end
-    # convert to binary
-    def to_binary(bplist)
-      bplist.num_to_binary(self)
-    end
-  end
-  # This class holds float values
-  class CFReal < CFType
-    # convert to XML
-    def to_xml(parser)
-      n = parser.new_node('real')
-      n = parser.append_node(n, parser.new_text(@value.to_s))
-      n
-    end
-    # convert to binary
-    def to_binary(bplist)
-      bplist.num_to_binary(self)
-    end
-  end
-  # This class holds Time values. While Apple uses seconds since 2001,
-  # the rest of the world uses seconds since 1970. So if you access value
-  # directly, you get the Time class. If you access via get_value you either
-  # geht the timestamp or the Apple timestamp
-  class CFDate < CFType
-    DATE_DIFF_APPLE_UNIX = 978307200
-    # create a XML date strimg from a time object
-    def CFDate.date_string(val)
-      # 2009-05-13T20:23:43Z
-      val.getutc.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
-    end
-    # parse a XML date string
-    def CFDate.parse_date(val)
-      # 2009-05-13T20:23:43Z
-      val =~ %r{^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})Z$}
-      year,month,day,hour,min,sec = $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6
-      return Time.utc(year,month,day,hour,min,sec).getlocal
-    end
-    # set value to defined state
-    def initialize(value = nil,format=CFDate::TIMESTAMP_UNIX)
-      if(value.is_a?(Time) || value.nil?) then
-        @value = value.nil? ? Time.now : value
-      elsif value.instance_of? Date
-        @value = Time.utc(value.year, value.month, value.day, 0, 0, 0)
-      elsif value.instance_of? DateTime
-        @value = value.to_time.utc
-      else
-        set_value(value,format)
-      end
-    end
-    # set value with timestamp, either Apple or UNIX
-    def set_value(value,format=CFDate::TIMESTAMP_UNIX)
-      if(format == CFDate::TIMESTAMP_UNIX) then
-        @value = Time.at(value)
-      else
-        @value = Time.at(value + CFDate::DATE_DIFF_APPLE_UNIX)
-      end
-    end
-    # get timestamp, either UNIX or Apple timestamp
-    def get_value(format=CFDate::TIMESTAMP_UNIX)
-      if(format == CFDate::TIMESTAMP_UNIX) then
-        @value.to_i
-      else
-        @value.to_f - CFDate::DATE_DIFF_APPLE_UNIX
-      end
-    end
-    # convert to XML
-    def to_xml(parser)
-      n = parser.new_node('date')
-      n = parser.append_node(n, parser.new_text(CFDate::date_string(@value)))
-      n
-    end
-    # convert to binary
-    def to_binary(bplist)
-      bplist.date_to_binary(@value)
-    end
-  end
-  # This class contains a boolean value
-  class CFBoolean < CFType
-    # convert to XML
-    def to_xml(parser)
-      parser.new_node(@value ? 'true' : 'false')
-    end
-    # convert to binary
-    def to_binary(bplist)
-      bplist.bool_to_binary(@value);
-    end
-  end
-  # This class contains binary data values
-  class CFData < CFType
-    # Base64 encoded data
-    DATA_BASE64 = 0
-    # Raw data
-    DATA_RAW = 1
-    # set value to defined state, either base64 encoded or raw
-    def initialize(value=nil,format=DATA_BASE64)
-      if(format == DATA_RAW)
-        @raw_value = value
-        @raw_value.blob = true
-      else
-        @value = value
-      end
-    end
-    # get base64 encoded value
-    def encoded_value
-      @value ||= "\n#{Base64.encode64(@raw_value).gsub("\n", '').scan(/.{1,76}/).join("\n")}\n"
-    end
-    # get base64 decoded value
-    def decoded_value
-      @raw_value ||= String.new(Base64.decode64(@value))
-      @raw_value.blob = true
-      @raw_value
-    end
-    # convert to XML
-    def to_xml(parser)
-      n = parser.new_node('data')
-      n = parser.append_node(n, parser.new_text(encoded_value()))
-      n
-    end
-    # convert to binary
-    def to_binary(bplist)
-      bplist.data_to_binary(decoded_value())
-    end
-  end
-  # This class contains an array of values
-  class CFArray < CFType
-    # create a new array CFType
-    def initialize(val=[])
-      @value = val
-    end
-    # convert to XML
-    def to_xml(parser)
-      n = parser.new_node('array')
-      @value.each do |v|
-        n = parser.append_node(n, v.to_xml(parser))
-      end
-      n
-    end
-    # convert to binary
-    def to_binary(bplist)
-      bplist.array_to_binary(self)
-    end
-  end
-  # this class contains a hash of values
-  class CFDictionary < CFType
-    # Create new CFDictonary type.
-    def initialize(value={})
-      @value = value
-    end
-    # convert to XML
-    def to_xml(parser)
-      n = parser.new_node('dict')
-      @value.each_pair do |key, value|
-        k = parser.append_node(parser.new_node('key'), parser.new_text(key.to_s))
-        n = parser.append_node(n, k)
-        n = parser.append_node(n, value.to_xml(parser))
-      end
-      n
-    end
-    # convert to binary
-    def to_binary(bplist)
-      bplist.dict_to_binary(self)
-    end
-  end
-# eof
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbLibXMLParser.rb b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbLibXMLParser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b27835d..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbLibXMLParser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-require 'libxml'
-module Facter::Util::CFPropertyList
-  # XML parser
-  class XML < XMLParserInterface
-    # read a XML file
-    # opts::
-    # * :file - The filename of the file to load
-    # * :data - The data to parse
-    def load(opts)
-      if(opts.has_key?(:file)) then
-        doc = LibXML::XML::Document.file(opts[:file],:options => LibXML::XML::Parser::Options::NOBLANKS|LibXML::XML::Parser::Options::NOENT)
-      else
-        doc = LibXML::XML::Document.string(opts[:data],:options => LibXML::XML::Parser::Options::NOBLANKS|LibXML::XML::Parser::Options::NOENT)
-      end
-      root = doc.root.first
-      return import_xml(root)
-    end
-    # serialize Facter::Util::CFPropertyList object to XML
-    # opts = {}:: Specify options: :formatted - Use indention and line breaks
-    def to_str(opts={})
-      doc = LibXML::XML::Document.new
-      doc.root = LibXML::XML::Node.new('plist')
-      doc.encoding = LibXML::XML::Encoding::UTF_8
-      doc.root['version'] = '1.0'
-      doc.root << opts[:root].to_xml(self)
-      # ugly hack, but there's no other possibility I know
-      str = doc.to_s(:indent => opts[:formatted])
-      str1 = String.new
-      first = false
-      str.each_line do |line|
-        str1 << line
-        unless(first) then
-          str1 << "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\">\n" if line =~ /^\s*<\?xml/
-        end
-        first = true
-      end
-      str1.force_encoding('UTF-8') if str1.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
-      return str1
-    end
-    def new_node(name)
-      LibXML::XML::Node.new(name)
-    end
-    def new_text(val)
-      LibXML::XML::Node.new_text(val)
-    end
-    def append_node(parent, child)
-      parent << child
-    end
-    protected
-    # get the value of a DOM node
-    def get_value(n)
-      content = if n.children?
-        n.first.content
-      else
-        n.content
-      end
-      content.force_encoding('UTF-8') if content.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
-      content
-    end
-    # import the XML values
-    def import_xml(node)
-      ret = nil
-      case node.name
-      when 'dict'
-        hsh = Hash.new
-        key = nil
-        if node.children? then
-          node.children.each do |n|
-            next if n.text? # avoid a bug of libxml
-            next if n.comment?
-            if n.name == "key" then
-              key = get_value(n)
-            else
-              raise CFFormatError.new("Format error!") if key.nil?
-              hsh[key] = import_xml(n)
-              key = nil
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        ret = CFDictionary.new(hsh)
-      when 'array'
-        ary = Array.new
-        if node.children? then
-          node.children.each do |n|
-            ary.push import_xml(n)
-          end
-        end
-        ret = CFArray.new(ary)
-      when 'true'
-        ret = CFBoolean.new(true)
-      when 'false'
-        ret = CFBoolean.new(false)
-      when 'real'
-        ret = CFReal.new(get_value(node).to_f)
-      when 'integer'
-        ret = CFInteger.new(get_value(node).to_i)
-      when 'string'
-        ret = CFString.new(get_value(node))
-      when 'data'
-        ret = CFData.new(get_value(node))
-      when 'date'
-        ret = CFDate.new(CFDate.parse_date(get_value(node)))
-      end
-      return ret
-    end
-  end
-# eof
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbNokogiriParser.rb b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbNokogiriParser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3edb8fe..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbNokogiriParser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-require 'nokogiri'
-module Facter::Util::CFPropertyList
-  # XML parser
-  class XML < ParserInterface
-    # read a XML file
-    # opts::
-    # * :file - The filename of the file to load
-    # * :data - The data to parse
-    def load(opts)
-      if(opts.has_key?(:file)) then
-        File.open(opts[:file], "rb") { |fd| doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(fd, nil, nil, Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOBLANKS|Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOENT) }
-      else
-        doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse(opts[:data], nil, nil, Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOBLANKS|Nokogiri::XML::ParseOptions::NOENT)
-      end
-      root = doc.root.children.first
-      return import_xml(root)
-    end
-    # serialize Facter::Util::CFPropertyList object to XML
-    # opts = {}:: Specify options: :formatted - Use indention and line breaks
-    def to_str(opts={})
-      doc = Nokogiri::XML::Document.new
-      @doc = doc
-      doc.root = doc.create_element 'plist', :version => '1.0'
-      doc.encoding = 'UTF-8'
-      doc.root << opts[:root].to_xml(self)
-      # ugly hack, but there's no other possibility I know
-      s_opts = Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::AS_XML
-      s_opts |= Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::FORMAT if opts[:formatted]
-      str = doc.serialize(:save_with => s_opts)
-      str1 = String.new
-      first = false
-      str.each_line do |line|
-        str1 << line
-        unless(first) then
-          str1 << "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\">\n" if line =~ /^\s*<\?xml/
-        end
-        first = true
-      end
-      str1.force_encoding('UTF-8') if str1.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
-      return str1
-    end
-    def new_node(name)
-      @doc.create_element name
-    end
-    def new_text(val)
-      @doc.create_text_node val
-    end
-    def append_node(parent, child)
-      parent << child
-    end
-    protected
-    # get the value of a DOM node
-    def get_value(n)
-      content = if n.children.empty?
-        n.content
-      else
-        n.children.first.content
-      end
-      content.force_encoding('UTF-8') if content.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
-      content
-    end
-    # import the XML values
-    def import_xml(node)
-      ret = nil
-      case node.name
-      when 'dict'
-        hsh = Hash.new
-        key = nil
-        children = node.children
-        unless children.empty? then
-          children.each do |n|
-            next if n.text? # avoid a bug of libxml
-            next if n.comment?
-            if n.name == "key" then
-              key = get_value(n)
-            else
-              raise CFFormatError.new("Format error!") if key.nil?
-              hsh[key] = import_xml(n)
-              key = nil
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        ret = CFDictionary.new(hsh)
-      when 'array'
-        ary = Array.new
-        children = node.children
-        unless children.empty? then
-          children.each do |n|
-            ary.push import_xml(n)
-          end
-        end
-        ret = CFArray.new(ary)
-      when 'true'
-        ret = CFBoolean.new(true)
-      when 'false'
-        ret = CFBoolean.new(false)
-      when 'real'
-        ret = CFReal.new(get_value(node).to_f)
-      when 'integer'
-        ret = CFInteger.new(get_value(node).to_i)
-      when 'string'
-        ret = CFString.new(get_value(node))
-      when 'data'
-        ret = CFData.new(get_value(node))
-      when 'date'
-        ret = CFDate.new(CFDate.parse_date(get_value(node)))
-      end
-      return ret
-    end
-  end
-# eof
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbREXMLParser.rb b/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbREXMLParser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b0e044..0000000
--- a/lib/facter/util/cfpropertylist/lib/rbREXMLParser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-require 'rexml/document'
-module Facter::Util::CFPropertyList
-  # XML parser
-  class XML < ParserInterface
-    # read a XML file
-    # opts::
-    # * :file - The filename of the file to load
-    # * :data - The data to parse
-    def load(opts)
-      if(opts.has_key?(:file)) then
-        File.open(opts[:file], "rb") { |fd| doc = REXML::Document.new(fd) }
-      else
-        doc = REXML::Document.new(opts[:data])
-      end
-      root = doc.root.elements[1]
-      return import_xml(root)
-    end
-    # serialize Facter::Util::CFPropertyList object to XML
-    # opts = {}:: Specify options: :formatted - Use indention and line breaks
-    def to_str(opts={})
-      doc = REXML::Document.new
-      @doc = doc
-      doc.context[:attribute_quote] = :quote
-      doc.add_element 'plist', {'version' => '1.0'}
-      doc.root << opts[:root].to_xml(self)
-      formatter = if opts[:formatted] then
-        f = REXML::Formatters::Pretty.new(2)
-        f.compact = true
-        f
-      else
-        REXML::Formatters::Default.new
-      end
-      str = formatter.write(doc.root, "")
-      str1 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\">\n" + str + "\n"
-      str1.force_encoding('UTF-8') if str1.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
-      return str1
-    end
-    def new_node(name)
-      #LibXML::XML::Node.new(name)
-      REXML::Element.new(name)
-    end
-    def new_text(val)
-      val
-    end
-    def append_node(parent, child)
-      if child.is_a?(String) then
-        parent.add_text child
-      else
-        parent.elements << child
-      end
-      parent
-    end
-    protected
-    # get the value of a DOM node
-    def get_value(n)
-      content = n.text
-      content.force_encoding('UTF-8') if content.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
-      content
-    end
-    # import the XML values
-    def import_xml(node)
-      ret = nil
-      case node.name
-      when 'dict'
-        hsh = Hash.new
-        key = nil
-        if node.has_elements? then
-          node.elements.each do |n|
-            #print n.name + "\n"
-            next if n.name == '#text' # avoid a bug of libxml
-            next if n.name == '#comment'
-            if n.name == "key" then
-              key = get_value(n)
-            else
-              raise CFFormatError.new("Format error!") if key.nil?
-              hsh[key] = import_xml(n)
-              key = nil
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        ret = CFDictionary.new(hsh)
-      when 'array'
-        ary = Array.new
-        if node.has_elements? then
-          node.elements.each do |n|
-            ary.push import_xml(n)
-          end
-        end
-        ret = CFArray.new(ary)
-      when 'true'
-        ret = CFBoolean.new(true)
-      when 'false'
-        ret = CFBoolean.new(false)
-      when 'real'
-        ret = CFReal.new(get_value(node).to_f)
-      when 'integer'
-        ret = CFInteger.new(get_value(node).to_i)
-      when 'string'
-        ret = CFString.new(get_value(node))
-      when 'data'
-        ret = CFData.new(get_value(node))
-      when 'date'
-        ret = CFDate.new(CFDate.parse_date(get_value(node)))
-      end
-      return ret
-    end
-  end
-# eof
diff --git a/lib/facter/util/macosx.rb b/lib/facter/util/macosx.rb
index 4dc4e4b..17da5b8 100644
--- a/lib/facter/util/macosx.rb
+++ b/lib/facter/util/macosx.rb
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 module Facter::Util::Macosx
-  require 'thread'
-  require 'facter/util/cfpropertylist'
+  require 'cfpropertylist'
   require 'facter/util/resolution'
   Plist_Xml_Doctype  = '<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">'
@@ -26,13 +25,13 @@ module Facter::Util::Macosx
       xml.gsub!( bad_xml_doctype, Plist_Xml_Doctype )
       Facter.debug("Had to fix plist with incorrect DOCTYPE declaration")
-    plist = Facter::Util::CFPropertyList::List.new
+    plist = CFPropertyList::List.new
-    rescue => e
-      fail("A plist file could not be properly read by Facter::Util::CFPropertyList: #{e.inspect}")
+    rescue CFFormatError => e
+      raise RuntimeError, "A plist file could not be properly read by CFPropertyList: #{e.message}", e.backtrace
-    Facter::Util::CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value)
+    CFPropertyList.native_types(plist.value)
   # Return an xml result, modified as we need it.
diff --git a/spec/unit/util/macosx_spec.rb b/spec/unit/util/macosx_spec.rb
index f633263..94b967a 100755
--- a/spec/unit/util/macosx_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/util/macosx_spec.rb
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ describe Facter::Util::Macosx do
     expect {
-    }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /A plist file could not be properly read by Facter::Util::CFPropertyList/)
+    }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, /A plist file could not be properly read by CFPropertyList/)
   describe "when collecting profiler data" do

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