[Pkg-puppet-devel] [facter] 231/352: (FACT-321) Remove ENV['DESTDIR'] and --test from install.rb

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Sun Apr 6 22:21:48 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ssm pushed a commit to branch master
in repository facter.

commit 0500739ade4a8eb2b511c7ec83290a17b9e7c06d
Author: Adrien Thebo <git at somethingsinistral.net>
Date:   Thu Feb 6 11:00:09 2014 -0800

    (FACT-321) Remove ENV['DESTDIR'] and --test from install.rb
 install.rb | 17 +----------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/install.rb b/install.rb
index 0ce2f9e..f8cbdc4 100755
--- a/install.rb
+++ b/install.rb
@@ -160,10 +160,6 @@ def prepare_installation
     opts.on('--[no-]man', 'Presents the creation of man pages.', 'Default on.') do |onman|
     InstallOptions.man = onman
-    opts.on('--[no-]tests', 'Prevents the execution of unit tests.', 'Default off.') do |ontest|
-      InstallOptions.tests = ontest
-      warn "The tests flag has never worked in Facter, is deprecated as of Nov 29, 2012, and will be removed in a future release of Facter."
-    end
     opts.on('--destdir[=OPTIONAL]', 'Installation prefix for all targets', 'Default essentially /') do |destdir|
       InstallOptions.destdir = destdir
@@ -233,18 +229,7 @@ def prepare_installation
     mandir = RbConfig::CONFIG['mandir']
-  # To be deprecated once people move over to using --destdir option
-  if (destdir = ENV['DESTDIR'])
-    warn "DESTDIR is deprecated. Use --destdir instead."
-    bindir = join(destdir, bindir)
-    mandir = join(destdir, mandir)
-    sitelibdir = join(destdir, sitelibdir)
-    FileUtils.makedirs(bindir)
-    FileUtils.makedirs(mandir)
-    FileUtils.makedirs(sitelibdir)
-    # This is the new way forward
-  elsif (destdir = InstallOptions.destdir)
+  if (destdir = InstallOptions.destdir)
     bindir = join(destdir, bindir)
     mandir = join(destdir, mandir)
     sitelibdir = join(destdir, sitelibdir)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-puppet/facter.git

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