[Pkg-puppet-devel] [facter] 103/180: Merge branch 'stable' into facter-2

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Mon Jun 30 15:06:36 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ssm pushed a commit to branch master
in repository facter.

commit 14eef77237ac1c9c0906890af696ad35e0f3b78e
Merge: 07629d6 75402be
Author: Kylo Ginsberg <kylo at puppetlabs.com>
Date:   Fri May 23 13:17:37 2014 -0700

    Merge branch 'stable' into facter-2

 lib/facter/core/suitable.rb                |   6 +-
 lib/facter/ec2.rb                          |  59 ++++----
 lib/facter/ec2/rest.rb                     | 129 ----------------
 lib/facter/util/ec2.rb                     |   5 -
 lib/facter/util/values.rb                  |  29 ----
 spec/fixtures/unit/ec2/rest/meta-data/root |  20 ---
 spec/unit/core/suitable_spec.rb            |  10 --
 spec/unit/ec2/rest_spec.rb                 | 140 -----------------
 spec/unit/ec2_spec.rb                      | 234 ++++++++++++++++++-----------
 spec/unit/util/ec2_spec.rb                 |   4 -
 spec/unit/util/values_spec.rb              |  40 -----
 11 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 498 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-puppet/facter.git

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