[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#529555: [Puppet] onlyif + unless precedence => No, an AND relationship. To close.

Joseph Herlant herlantj at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 07:44:42 UTC 2014

Hi Jayen,

I don't have so much ruby installed. Only version 2.1.

Are you running Debian Jessie?
Are you sure you put all your puppet apply command in one line?
=> I am able to reproduce the error when copy-pasting without putting
the whole command in one line in my bash terminal.

Could you post the result of the following command block please?
# -----------------------------
cat << __EOF__ > /tmp/my_manifest
exec {
  'rm /tmp/myfile':
    onlyif => 'test -L /tmp/myfile',
    unless => 'stat -L /tmp/myfile',
    path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin';
puppet apply -v /tmp/my_manifest
# -----------------------------

Could you also post the result of:
# -----------------------------
puppet config print --verbose | grep log.*level
# and
dpkg -l | egrep "(puppet|ruby)"
# -----------------------------


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