[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#771818: puppet-module-saz-timezone: changing from ITP to RFP

Michael Weiser michael at weiser.dinsnail.net
Sun Dec 27 13:29:51 UTC 2015

Hi Lucas,

On Sun, Dec 27, 2015 at 01:16:58PM +0100, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:

> A long time ago, you expressed interest in packaging puppet-module-saz-timezone. Unfortunately,
> it seems that it did not happen. In Debian, we try not to keep ITP bugs open
> for a too long time, as it might cause other prospective maintainers to
> refrain from packaging the software.

Well, this module as well as the others I opened ITPs for actually *are*
packaged and I do alrady use them in a project. However, they are not
uploaded since I'm no uploader and nobody else seems interested in them.
So basically the only thing needed is someone actually uploading them to
the distribution.

Is there something like an RFU or can you (or I) turn these ITPs into


> If you are still interested in packaging puppet-module-saz-timezone, please send a mail to
> <control at bugs.debian.org> with:

>  retitle 771818 ITP: puppet-module-saz-timezone -- Manage timezone settings via Puppet
>  owner 771818 !
>  thanks

> It is also a good idea to document your progress on this ITP from time to
> time, by mailing <771818 at bugs.debian.org>.  If you need guidance on how to
> package this software, please reply to this email, and/or contact the
> debian-mentors at lists.debian.org mailing list.

> Thank you for your interest in Debian,

man liest sich, Micha
> A: Yes.
>> Q: Are you sure?
>>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>>> Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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