[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#774643: Bug#774643: Lacking support of exported resources

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Mon Jan 5 19:43:33 UTC 2015

micah <micah at riseup.net> writes:

> Hello!
> bertagaz <bertagaz at ptitcanardnoir.org> writes:
>> That's because in puppet 3.x, a switch has been made upstream from
>> activerecord to puppetdb as a backend for catalog storage and
>> searching.
> Hmm, I think that is not true. Activerecord storedconfigs still work,
> they are somewhat deprecated, and I believe removed in puppet 4, but I
> know people who have used storeconfigs in 3.6.2.
> Additionally, I've looked through the release notes[0] and I could
> find nothing that said that it was removed.

Activerecord storedconfigs should still work with the current puppet.

>> It seems that puppetdb is not packaged into Debian at the moment.
>> There's an open RFP for it at #673515, and upstream has a Debian
>> package at apt.puppetlabs.com.

I did a stab at packaging it in 2012, but was not successful. At that
time I was not able to figure out how to build packages with Leiningen
while also following the Debian packaging policy.

The "ITP" became an "RFP" sometime later.

>> This looks like a regression, which either need to be fixed before
>> the Jessie release, or documented in the release notes, but the last
>> option will probably bring a lot of hassle to sysadmins.
> What kind of errors are you getting that lead you to this conclusion?
> Also - I think that moving modules to make storedconfigs 'optional' is a
> very good thing to do. Many people use masterless puppet setups which
> cannot use storeconfigs and would benefit from any work that is done
> there!

It is possible to use PuppetDB masterless. You would probably need an
SSL CA, but a puppet master is not necessary. (For example, see

That said: "puppetdb" and "puppetserver" should be packaged. I would
consider them part of the normal "puppet" stack. Anyone possessing the
necessary experience with Clojure, Leiningen and Maven, or just an
overdeveloped sense of adventure, is welcome to try.

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
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