[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#780664: Bug#780664: puppetmaster fills up the database connection pool.

Apollon Oikonomopoulos apoikos at debian.org
Tue Mar 17 14:55:46 UTC 2015


On 15:31 Tue 17 Mar     , bertagaz wrote:
> Hi,
> When enabling storeconfig in puppetmaster, the database connection pool gets
> filled up by inactive connections opened by previous puppet agents 
> runs.

It's normal to see inactive connections from previous runs, but these 
should be marked as free in the pool and reusable. I can't reproduce 
this in our Jessie setup with Passenger, MariaDB 10.0.16 and 
ActiveRecord 4.1.8; I see 2 constantly open connections but I can 
clearly see they are being reused and recycled. What version of 
ActiveRecord do you have installed? Did it work in wheezy?

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