[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#780664: Bug#780664: puppetmaster fills up the database connection pool.

bertagaz bertagaz at ptitcanardnoir.org
Wed Mar 18 14:42:23 UTC 2015


On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 02:26:59PM +0100, bertagaz wrote:
> Are you using the stomserver queue handling feature? We're not, and I'm
> tempted to give it a try.

It does not fix this issue.

> I'll try to test in another environment, to be sure this bug is not
> related to any specifics bits of the current system.

Just tried in another Jessie environment, which is an almost fresh one,
installed not so long ago and that didn't had a lot of changes. Sadly, I
hit the same bug. :/


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