[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#810484: Bug#810484: puppet agent: ruby segfault during applying catalog

Felix Hagemann felix.hagemann at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 20:00:31 UTC 2016

Markus Frosch wrote:
>> /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/provider/augeas/augeas.rb:346: [BUG] Segmentation fault at 0x00000000000001 ruby 2.2.3p173
>> (2015-08-18) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
> This sounds a lot like a problem between ruby-augeas and libaugeas0.
> Can you share us:
> * dpkg -l "*augeas*"

# dpkg -l "*augeas*"
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name            Version      Architecture Description
un  augeas-doc      <none>       <none>       (no description available)
ii  augeas-lenses   1.2.0-0.3    all          Set of lenses needed by
libaugeas0 t
ii  augeas-tools    1.2.0-0.3    amd64        Augeas command line tools
ii  libaugeas0      1.2.0-0.3    amd64        Augeas configuration
editing library
ii  ruby-augeas     1:0.5.0-3+b2 amd64        Augeas bindings for the
Ruby languag

> * Parts of the Puppet code with the augeas resource

The only part where an augeas resource is included is the following
class (slightly censored):

class admins_full {
  user { "XXXX":
    ensure  => "present",
    home    => "/home/XXXX",
    comment => "XXXX",
    groups  => [ "adm", "sudo", "fuse", "users", "netdev", "cdrom",
"floppy", "audio", "dip", "video", "plugdev", "scanner" ]
  ssh_authorized_key { "XXXX":
    user => "XXXX",
    ensure  => "present",
    key => "KEY",
    name => "XXXX at YYYY",
    type => "ssh-rsa"
  augeas { "sshd_config":
    changes => [ "set /files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/PermitRootLogin no",
    notify => Service["ssh"],
  service { "ssh":
    ensure   => "running",
    enable      => "true",
    require => Package["openssh-server"],
  package { "openssh-server":
    ensure => "installed"

I hope this helps.

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