[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#827867: Bug#827867: puppet-agent package is not really necessary and conflicts with the upstream package by the same name

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Wed Jun 22 08:58:32 UTC 2016

Ryan Whitehurst <rw at puppet.com> writes:

> The package "puppet-agent" was recently added to Debian Testing
> ("Stretch"). All it does is add an init script and systemd unit file
> for running puppet as a service, something which would normally be
> included in the main package, not require a separate package. There
> isn't really any benefit to having a separate package for this.

Hi, and thanks for reporting a bug.

There has been separate packages in Debian just for running the puppet
agent and master services since puppet 0.25.3.  I've considered dropping
them[0], but left them in, mostly due to "that's the way it's been for a
long time".

Previously, the "puppet" and "puppetmaster" packages would contain only
the init script, upstart job and systemd service.  These were renamed to
"puppet-agent" and "puppet-master".  The puppet software itself was
contained in the "puppet-common" and "puppetmaster-common"
packages. These was merged into the "puppet" package.

Since this renaming clearly creates problems for Puppet (the software)
provided by Puppet (the company), I'll move the puppet agent and master
services into puppet (the Debian package), but I think I'll have to
disable them by default.

There is also a puppet-master-passenger package, which should be
separate due to its dependencies on apache httpd and passenger.

[0] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=798636#20
Stig Sandbeck Mathisen <ssm at debian.org>

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