[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#826551: RFP: puppetdb-termini -- Enable a Puppet master to connect to PuppetDB

micah micah at riseup.net
Wed Apr 12 02:56:15 UTC 2017

intrigeri <intrigeri at debian.org> writes:

> Hi,
> micah:
>> Apollon Oikonomopoulos <apoikos at debian.org> writes:
>>>> On the master, I see nothing in the puppet logs, but I do see in the
>>>> apache logs:
>>>> newpuppetmaster:8140 - - [03/Feb/2017:08:41:30 -0800] "GET /production/certificate/puppetdb? HTTP/1.1" 404 5361 "-" "Ruby"
>>>> but nothing else. The puppetmaster has no certs pending to be signed and
>>>> only has one cert signed (the puppetmaster itself). There is nothing in
>>>> /var/lib/puppet/ssl on the master besides the puppetmaster cert bits.
>>>> I'm wondering if this works for others, or if maybe this part of the
>>>> puppet3 compatibility was missed?
>>> From the looks of it, you're using a Webrick puppetmaster. You should 
>>> switch to puppet-master-passenger instead :)
>> Hmmm, I've got that installed:
>> ii  puppet-master-passenger              4.8.2-1                     all          configuration management system, scalable master service
> [...]
>> am I missing something here?
> Micah, has this been fixed since then somehow? If not, may you please
> report it as a separate bug, since it already affects Stretch and is
> somewhat off-topic on a bug report that's about "Enable a Puppet
> master to connect to PuppetDB"?

Yes, sorry that the result wasn't fed back here - it was a mistake on my
part and unrelated to this package.


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