[Pkg-puppet-devel] RFP: puppetdb-termini -- Enable a Puppet master to connect to PuppetDB

micah micah at riseup.net
Tue Jan 31 04:07:51 UTC 2017


Georg Faerber <georg at riseup.net> writes:

> I think the following might be of interest:
> I've tested the proposed way of intrigeri, which is described at [1]:
>> puppetdb-termini has no dependencies except puppet-agent. It just
>> ships 16 .rb files, that live in the upstream Puppet Git repository,
>> and are distributed in PuppetDB upstream tarballs.
> This is described at [2] as well.
> I've set up a puppetmaster out of j-bp, copied the .rb files into
> '/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet', set up upstream puppetdb in another
> machine, and configured the puppetmaster to talk to the puppetdb. This
> works as expected, and creating a puppet-termini package doesn't seem to
> be hard. As the puppet packages are team maintained, I could join the
> team and create such an initial package, if that's the way to go.

I just tried to do this too and can confirm what you found.

However, I was trying to follow the directions[0] to migrate my
storedconfigs database to puppetdb. In order to do that, you need to do
a 'puppet storeconfigs export'.

That only works in puppet3, so I grabbed the puppetdb-termini package[1]
version 3.2.4[2] as this was the latest version I could find that wasn't
version 4, and copied those .rb files as you did, and then was able to
run 'puppet storeconfigs export', but weirdly it doesn't actually
generate the tarball that I expect:

root at newpuppetmaster:~# puppet storeconfigs --verbose export
/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/defaults.rb:465: warning: key :queue_type is duplicated and overwritten on line 466
Info: Connecting to mysql database: puppet
root at newpuppetmaster:~#

that is the right database and right database connector, but I dont see
it doing anything, even when I strace.

I agree that it doesn't look hard to add the terminus package, but I was
hoping we could provide some kind of upgrade path for people to keep
their storedconfig database, but I can't seem to figure out what is
going on here.

any ideas?


0. https://docs.puppet.com/puppetdb/3.0/migrate.html
1. later it was renamed terminus
2. https://apt.puppetlabs.com/pool/jessie/PC1/p/puppetdb/puppetdb-termini_3.2.4-1puppetlabs1_all.deb
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