[Pkg-puppet-devel] Puppet 4 (stretch) Master with 3 (jessie) agents?

Wilmer van der Gaast wilmer at gaast.net
Wed Sep 6 07:59:08 UTC 2017

Hello Apollon,

Thank you for your fast response!

On 06-09-17 08:35, Apollon Oikonomopoulos wrote:
>> Is this as expected and should the NEWS be removed?
> The NEWS entry *should* be correct. In fact I'm currently running a 
> production setup with Puppet 3 agents talking to a Puppet 4 master and I 
> know others are doing the same. Could you please give a bit more 
> information regarding your configuration and the problems you are 
> facing?
> Note that Puppet 3 agent support is a Debian-specific patch. Upstream 
> Puppet 4 supports Puppet 3 agents only via Puppet Server indeed.
Glad to hear this! (And this is why I e-mailed this list instead of
immediately filing a bug - I wasn't quite sure whether my conclusions
were right, as they indeed were not. :-)

What I'm running into is lots of noise from the v3 agent when I run it
against the v4 master: https://p.gaa.st/view/49419208

tl;dr here is probably the "Note that Puppet 3 agents aren't compatible
with this version; if you're running Puppet 3, ..." error, though also I
have learned that this is a generic 404 message. An example of
URLs/requests is here, though indeed they're *all* running into 404s,
not just a few: https://p.gaa.st/view/96222870 (fragment below since
pastes may work poorly in archives:)

GET /production/node/nasi.dublin.gaast.net?t
GET /production/file_metadatas/pluginfacts?l
GET /production/file_metadata/pluginfacts?li
GET /production/file_metadatas/plugins?links
GET /production/file_metadata/plugins?links=
POST /production/catalog/nasi.dublin.gaast.n
PUT /production/report/nasi.dublin.gaast.net

Regarding my setup: Lots of it has been growing with me since, IIRC,
2010. About 2y ago I migrated it all to Puppet 3 and now I've done most
of the work to make it work with Puppet 4. But I've taken the auth.conf
from Puppet 4 without changes, dropped the fileserver.conf which from
what I can tell is no longer needed anyway (?), puppet.conf is pretty
plain as well, I can include it if this would help?

So what you're saying is Debian's Puppet 4 Master should be able to deal
with these URLs? And this includes support for v3-style environments?


Wilmer v/d Gaast.

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