[Pkg-puppet-devel] Puppet 4 (stretch) Master with 3 (jessie) agents?

Wilmer van der Gaast lintux at debian.org
Wed Sep 6 10:51:33 UTC 2017

Hello Apollon,

Apollon Oikonomopoulos (apoikos at debian.org) wrote:
> Yes, it should be able to deal with these URLs, as long as the 
> respective Rack middleware is loaded. Are you sure it's Apache that's 
> listening on port 8140 on the master?

Uhoh - so I am very sure it was not, because I've gone from Apache to
nginx a while ago and tried to stick to that for the passenger setup as
well. Which was surprisingly easy actually, though a little unfortunate
to have to use a third-party repo to get the nginx-passenger module.

As part of that I followed a different howto, and now I see that the
config.ru from your package has a bunch of rewrite logic in it that I
was missing, so of course things would not work. :-(

Sorry, I definitely should have pointed out this important difference.

I'll test this tonight after work time, but I expect that things will
work perfectly now.

Guess I can try to at least write down up to date instructions
somewhere, this time without steps like "now, let's recompile our own
version of nginx" - yikes.

Sorry for the noise, and thank you for giving the important clue! :-/

Wilmer v/d Gaast.

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