[Pkg-puppet-devel] Puppet 4 (stretch) Master with 3 (jessie) agents?

Wilmer van der Gaast wilmer at gaast.net
Sat Sep 9 19:28:43 UTC 2017


Few days later, and I've mostly got this working now and wrote it down
somewhere for findability:

For 3-4 compatibility, I do still feel like things are iffy and I'll
likely just transition everything to v4 agents (backports or full system
upgrade) anyway.

On 06-09-17 22:37, Georg Faerber wrote:
> Because I don't like third party repos as well and, at the same time,
> don't like Apache, I've developed a way to run the puppet master via a
> nginx / uwsgi [1] stack. Using this since a ~ year in multiple
> production environments, and it's working great!

This sounds pretty neat as well, though by the time I saw your e-mail I
already had the third-party repo in use (it helps to at least use
pinning to somewhat whitelist what packages I'll accept from it).

(Possibly others may be interested, was it very complicated?)

Kind regards and thanks again,
Wilmer v/d Gaast.

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