[Pkg-puppet-devel] in need of a little help for packaing puppet development kit with all dependencies

Gabriel Filion gabriel at koumbit.org
Wed Feb 12 23:28:39 GMT 2020

On 2020-02-11 5:56 p.m., Georg Faerber wrote:
> Quick update on this, several people joined forces leading to:
> On 20-02-06 23:52:58, Gabriel Filion wrote:
>> new packages needed:
>>   ruby-pathspec -> *not present* in debian. must package. *ITP sent*.
>>   ruby-tty-prompt -> *not present* in debian. must package. *ITP sent*.
>>     |-> ruby-necromancer -> *not present* in debian. must package.
>>                             *ITP sent*.
> Uploaded to NEW.
>>     |-> -(ruby-pastel)- -> *not present* in debian. must package.
>>                            *package awaiting in NEW*.
> Uploaded to NEW.
>>        |-> -(ruby-equatable)- -> *not present* in debian. must package.
>>                                  *package awaiting in NEW*.
>>        |-> -(ruby-tty-color)- -> *not present* in debian. must package.
>>                                  *package awaiting in NEW*.
>>     |-> ruby-tty-reader -> *not present* in debian. must package.
>>                            *ITP sent*.
>>        |-> ruby-tty-cursor -> *not present* in debian. must package.
>>                               *ITP sent*.
> Uploaded to NEW.
>>        |-> ruby-tty-screen -> *not present* in debian. must package.
>>                               *ITP sent*.
>>        |-> ruby-wisper -> *not present* in debian. must package.
>>                           *ITP sent*.
> Uploaded to NEW.
>>   ruby-tty-spinner -> *not present* in debian. must package
>>                       (requires tty-cursor. see above)
> Uploaded to NEW.
>>   -(ruby-tty-which)- -> *not present* in debian. must package
>>                         *package awaiting in NEW*
> Uploaded to NEW.
>>   ruby-metadata-json-lint -> mentioned in README. *not present* in
>>                              debian. must package
>>                              (requires ruby-json-schema >= 2.8 but 2.8.1
>>                              is present in debian. should be ok)
>>   ruby-rspec-puppet-facts -> mentioned in README. *not present* in
>>                              debian. must package (needs dependency
>>                              change for ruby-facter->facter / need to
>>                              remove dependency on puppet gem)
>>     |-> ruby-facterdb -> *not present* in debian. must package (needs
>>                          dependency change for ruby-facter->facter)
>>        |-> ruby-jgrep -> *not present* in debian. must package
> That is: 6 of 17 done.

I'm planning on sending in three more soonish: tty-screen, tty-reader
and tty-prompt.

That will be the end of the easy packages :)

Some more might actually also be kind of easy but I'll have to
confirm/discuss the package names with the ruby team wrt the presence of
a shipped cli script/"binary".

one of the remaining ones might get a wee bit tricky:

>>     |-> ruby-spdx-licenses -> *not present* in debian. must package

this thing ships a json file that was taken from spdx.org, so we'll have
to make sure to find the appropriate licence for this file.

I *think* from what I could find on spdx.org that the file is covered by
CC-BY-SA 3.0

but then, I'm not sure if using the name "SPDX" in the package name and
description requires the use of a mention of the registered trademark on
the name.

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