[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#1026354: puppet logger.rb expecting Exception, but getting String

Rob Burrowes r.burrowes at auckland.ac.nz
Sun Dec 18 22:24:52 GMT 2022

Package: puppet-agent
Version: 7.20.0

Puppet is occasionally logging an exception in syslog
... /MSG: undefined method message for #String .../

/I tracked this done to calls to the log_exception(exception) method in

/log_exception(exception) is expecting an exception class, but when called from these two places, it is being passed a String, hence the error message

/either //logger.rb should handle String arguments, or it shouldn't be being called with String arguments./

/A quick fix to logger.rb would be

     def log_exception(exception)
       if exception.respond_to?(:message)
         msg = exception.message
         msg += "\n" + exception.backtrace.join("\n") if Options[:trace]
         msg = exception

       error(msg, true)


Alternately, fact.rb and collection.rb could pass through the exception, or handle the backtrace themselves.

Rob Burrowes
Senior eResearch Platform and Services Engineer                				

Centre for eResearchhttps://wiki.auckland.ac.nz/display/CERES/Centre+for+eResearch
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The University of Aucklandhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-burrowes-7a5a8a56
Private Bag 92019http://www.burrowes.org/
Auckland Mail Centrehttp://www.wikarekare.org/
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