[Pkg-puppet-devel] Puppet Agent 7 package in Debian Experimental

Antoine Beaupré anarcat at debian.org
Thu Sep 1 14:32:07 BST 2022

On 2022-09-01 09:35:33, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, dem 01.09.2022 um 09:59 +0200 schrieb Dirk Heinrichs:
>> > I'm happy to see the new package being tested more widely!
>> I tried to rebuild it on Bullseye, together with missing (transitive)
>> dependencies, but I can't find "ruby-set" anywhere (not even in
>> experimental), which is needed by "ruby-sorted-set". Any idea?
> Found it. It is provided by libruby3.0, but not by libruby2.7, which is
> included in Bullseye.

Yeah, it's unlikely that the puppet-agent 7 package will be backportable
to bullseye. Our objective is to ship it with bookworm.

If someone, by some magic, figures out how to backport it to bullseye,
all the better, but right now our objective is to fix bookworm and cut
our losses. :)

Celui qui sait jouir du peu qu'il a est toujours assez riche.
                         - Démocrite

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