Machine-readable copyright module, take 2

Stuart Prescott stuart at
Mon Sep 1 14:42:57 UTC 2014

Hi John,

It looks like this has come up really well. Thanks for your work on this.

One comment about the format specification URL is that there are now https 
redirects in place so while the spec says "http://" the canonical URL isn't 
really that any more. I suspect we should probably avoid flagging the https 
version as an unknown version of the standard. For the purposes of python-
debian, the most important thing is (normally) the ability to extract useful 
data and not enforcing strictness. There are also tools like cme already in 
existence to help lint and normalise the copyright files.

It's nice to see an example of how to use the class too -- shall we ship 
that in /u/s/d/python-debian/examples/?

(Looking at the RestrictedWrapper class, I should rework the removals.822 
parsing to be based on that too rather than directly on Deb822, I guess)


Stuart Prescott   stuart at
Debian Developer         stuart at
GPG fingerprint    90E2 D2C1 AD14 6A1B 7EBB 891D BBC1 7EBB 1396 F2F7

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