Bug#1062437: python-debian: When Files: is a whitespace-separated list, files are matched too eagerly

Lasse Collin lasse.collin at tukaani.org
Sun Feb 11 19:25:26 GMT 2024

One way to fix it is to change buf.write('|') to buf.write('\Z|') in
globs_to_re in copyright.py line 485[1]. The comment at the end of the
method sounds like that the thinking had been that in 'foo|bar\Z' the
\Z would affect matching of foo but in reality only affects bar.

Other possibility is modifying matches(). In copyright.py line 758,
pat.match(filename) could be changed to pat.fullmatch(filename). Then
globs_to_re wouldn't need to add \Z even at the end.



Lasse Collin

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