Rakudo 0.1~2011.07-1 ready for upload

Dominique Dumont dod at debian.org
Sun Aug 7 16:37:19 UTC 2011

Le Sunday 7 August 2011 14:27:39, Alessandro Ghedini a écrit :
> It seems like you have done some changes to the "upstream" and 
> "pristine-tar" branches that conflict with the alioth repository... which 
> shouldn't be given that the upstream update was done by me. 

Except that I did not see the remote branch and git-imported rakudo thus 
creating local pristine-tar and upsream local branches :-p. These conflicted 
with remote pristine-tar and upsream local branches.

Newbie has since cleanup up his mess on his machine by removing local 

I still have some trouble wrapping my head around some git notions :-p

Thanks for the help. You pointed me towards the right direction.

All the best

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