Bug#801498: Using rakudo-star tarball ...

Dominique Dumont dod at debian.org
Wed Dec 9 11:29:24 UTC 2015

Hello Patrick

Sorry for the very late reply

On Friday 23 October 2015 12:05:34 Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> I think I can answer this to some extent.  "Perl 6" is a language, 
> much like "C", "Java", or "JavaScript".  Just as we would not confuse 
> "gcc" with the C programming language, or V8 with JavaScript, one 
> should not treat "rakudo" and "Perl 6" as being equivalent.  
> [...]

Many thanks for the clarification.

> To return to the question of "What should be the basis for (Debian's)
> packaging of Perl 6?"... well, the answers just given in this thread
> are reasonable.  It's completely reasonable to say "We'll just package
> up Rakudo Star, and let the upstream folks decide what makes for a 
> good Perl 6 environment."  It's also reasonable to do things similar 
> to the way Perl 5 is packaged in Debian, where installing "Perl" 
> (Perl 5) generally ends up loading multiple .deb packages ranging 
> from "perl-base" and "perl-modules" to others with "-perl" in the
> name that encapsulate popular CPAN modules.

Given the work already done on moar and nqp, I'll try to just switch the 
upstream source of debian-rakudo from vanilla-rakudo to rakudo-star.

Thus our rakudo package will contain rakudo, panda and the modules selected by 
rakudo star team

> I hope this helps clarify things a bit.  

Yes, thanks a bunch

All the best

 https://github.com/dod38fr/   -o- http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/
http://ddumont.wordpress.com/  -o-   irc: dod at irc.debian.org

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