New MoarVM, NQP and Rakudo packages (2016.07)

Daniel Dehennin daniel.dehennin at
Tue Sep 13 12:07:43 UTC 2016

Dominique Dumont <dod at> writes:


> On my side, I've hit a dead-end with Debian porter box: to test rakudo with 
> libffi, I must first rebuild moar with libffi and install it within the arm64 
> chroot. This is not allowed. At leadt I've verified that moarvm + libffi 
> builds correctly on arm64.
> Unless you can come up with something on your VM, I'll upload a new version of 
> moarvm built with libffi on arm64.

I did not manage to have an arm64 VM :-/

> Do you known if nqp needs to be rebuilt if moar is changed from using dyncall 
> to using libffi ?

I don't know, I'll ask on #moarvm on FreeNode.

Daniel Dehennin
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