Sponsorship for a porterbox guest account

Timo Paulssen timo+deb at wakelift.de
Sun Oct 6 17:03:39 BST 2024

Hi List,

(again a message that is pretty much for Dominique, unless another DD 
would like to handle this)

I am seeing build failures on some architectures that I would like to 


     E: Build killed with signal TERM after 150 minutes of inactivity

powerpc (32bit):
     not ok 21 - Perl's rw variable was set by C (size_t)
     # Failed test 'Perl's rw variable was set by C (size_t)'
     # at t/04-nativecall/15-rw-args.t line 76
     # expected: '15324'
     #      got: '0'
     not ok 22 - Perl's rw variable was passed and returned by C (size_t)
     # Failed test 'Perl's rw variable was passed and returned by C 
     # at t/04-nativecall/15-rw-args.t line 77
     # expected: '15324'
     #      got: '0'

     +++ Compiling    blib/CORE.c.setting.moarvm
     The following step can take a long time, please be patient.
     Stage start      :   0.000
     Stage parse      : 162.267
     Stage syntaxcheck:   0.000
     Stage ast        :   0.000
     Stage optimize   :  19.779
     E: ABORT: Received TERM signal (requesting cleanup and shutdown)
     Stage mast       :
     E: ABORT: Received TERM signal (requesting cleanup and shutdown)

The arm64 one is particularly mysterious. I'm not aware of our builds 
ever hanging. It could be a matter of "not enough ram" perhaps? We do 
already have TEST_JOBS=1 in the debian/rules at least.

For powerpc, I would want to look more closely at the nativecall stuff. 
What does moar think a size_t is, does it perhaps read the wrong half of 
a 32bit value stored in a 64 slot, stuff like that.

With loong64, I'm not sure what's going on. Did someone press ctrl-c or 
send a TERM signal with kill or killall?

In any case, I think having access to machines that natively run the 
hardware in question would be helpful.

At least for aarch64 aka arm64 I can also use openbuildservice.org, and 
I can probably run 32bit powerpc builds on openbuildservice's ppc64le 
workers, but for loong64 I don't have a good answer.

Docker images are convenient for foreign-arch development with `podman 
--arch` which uses qemu-user, but for ppc I've only found adelie linux 
based images, which is a start, but it's not trivial to just get the 
debian packages in there, right?

If someone wants to sponsor a request to get a guest account on some 
portboxes, mail me personally and I'll get my pgp key sorted, as well as 
a signed declaration that I will adhere to the debian machine usage 
policy and whatever else I need.

Until then, I will try more with emulation.

   - Timo

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