Updated packages raku-json-class and raku-meta6 to fix bugs

Timo Paulssen timo+deb at wakelift.de
Fri Oct 11 03:18:50 BST 2024

Hi List,

I just uploaded latest upstream versions of JSON::Class and META6 to 
salsa, since the JSON::Unmarshal version we currently have as latest 
required a fix from JSON::Class, and META6 was broken because of it.

This will be my opportunity to learn how to properly release module 

BTW, I wonder if we should have version requirements from the META6.json 
file of a module translated to dependencies on our packaged modules?

I think I would like you to walk me through what I have to do to get an 
updated raku module into debian, Dominique.

   - Timo

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