[Pkg-raspi-maintainers] Proposal: pythonize recipe generation

Cyril Brulebois cyril at debamax.com
Sat Aug 28 16:28:45 BST 2021

Diederik de Haas <didi.debian at cknow.org> (2021-08-28):
> I will surely look at your proposal and also properly evaluate
> dilinger's suggestion, but since you brought up Python ...
> https://salsa.debian.org/freedombox-team/freedom-maker/
> Freedom Maker may even be 'more radical', but they forked vmdb2 and
> implemented support for various boards in Python. There is (doing
> this from memory, so may be off a bit) f.e. an ArmBuilder and an
> Arm64Builder which inherits from the ArmBuilder. And then it goes
> turtles all the way down.
> Implement things once and when/if needed override only specific parts.
> Or add board (maker) specific parts to their own class(es). And use
> inheritance. This is a great approach imo.
> I still have to study it further/proper, but wanted to make you and
> the list at least aware of it.

Alright, thanks for sharing.

In case I didn't think of mentioning this explicitly and emphatically,
my main purpose in proposing this approach was to avoid any disruptions,
and only changing the current implementation to something that would
more obviously break if someone forgets to set a variable for a given
combination, instead of subtly breaking (esp. when the breakage is only
uncovered at runtime, see the firmware package name fixup in the service
unit, which got two separate bugs a few weeks apart).

The goal was *not* to propose something smart, elegant, fancy, that
would require some advance knowledge of one particular language, or
designing some DSL, or something else. It was basically trying to make
the existing approach more reliable.

Cyril Brulebois -- Debian Consultant @ DEBAMAX -- https://debamax.com/
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