Bug#855571: [guacamole-client] Please enable ldap, jdbc-mysql and jdbc-postgresql authentication support

Dominik George nik at naturalnet.de
Mon Feb 20 18:29:34 UTC 2017


> guacamole supports user autentication in ldap, mysql and postgresql, this makes
> guacamole more powerful, more useful.

I'd really like to, but a lot of dependencies are missing in Debian, and
at least for ldap, this won't change because upstream is using the
ancient jLDAP library that has been unmaintained for ages. Enabling that
in Debian will not happen unless upstream migrates guacamole to Apache
Directory or something.


PGP-Fingerprint: 3C9D 54A4 7575 C026 FB17  FD26 B79A 3C16 A0C4 F296

Dominik George · Hundeshagenstr. 26 · 53225 Bonn
Mobile: +49-1520-1981389 · https://www.dominik-george.de/

Teckids e.V. · FrOSCon e.V.
Fellowship of the FSFE · Piratenpartei Deutschland
Opencaching Deutschland e.V. · Debian Maintainer

LPIC-3 Linux Enterprise Professional (Security)
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