[request-tracker-maintainers] RFH: request-tracker3.6 -- Extensible trouble-ticket tracking system
Gerardo Curiel
gcuriel at gmail.com
Sun Aug 10 19:33:02 UTC 2008
El jue, 31-07-2008 a las 22:10 +0300, Niko Tyni escribió:
> I just added you to the Alioth project, welcome! Feel free to inject
> your work there somewhere, either in the existing svn repository or in
> a
> new mercurial one if you like. I'm not familiar with mercurial myself
> and am partial to git, but those who do the work certainly get to pick
> their tools.
Great!, I'm comfortable with SVN, and still using svn.debian.org to
maintain packages in other groups.
You can find the packaging for rt3.8 here [0]
There are outstanding problems still, such as:
- HTML::RewriteAttributes >= 0.02 - not in Debian, but rt apparently
works without it right now(read: looks like it doesn't crash if absent)
- There are missing manpages for:
I'll report the bug to upstream soon.
- The mysql backend integration hasn't been tested - in fact,
02_acls.dpatch is disabled by now.
I'll try to fix the remaining issues soon, I'd like to see it uploaded
to experimental.
Gerardo Curiel <gcuriel at debian.org.ve> <gcuriel at gmail.com>
Geek By NaTure,LiNuX By ChOiCe,DebiAn of CoUrsE
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