[request-tracker-maintainers] Bug#598740: Bug#598740: Preferences/Settings dialog cannot be saved

Dominic Hargreaves dom at earth.li
Sat Oct 2 06:53:42 UTC 2010

tags 598740 +moreinfo

On Fri, Oct 01, 2010 at 11:42:20AM -0400, Alexandre Maciel wrote:
> When I call Preferences/Settings dialog, the foot of the page (which
> Save button) instead displays the following error: Can't call method
> "print" on an undefined value at
> /usr/share/request-tracker3.8/html/Widgets/TitleBox line 51.
> I'm using Squeeze with all packages updated to current date (10/01/2010).
> I'm sending screenshots with this bug report, but I'm not sure if
> Debian BTS can work with then.

I can see your screenshots okay, thanks.

To help diagnose this problem please could you try the following:

Check your error logs. Depending on how your RT install is configured
this could be syslog (eg /var/log/sys.log) or the Apache error log.
Is there anything relevant?

If so, try adding

Set($LogStackTraces, 'error');

to /etc/request-tracker3.8/RT_SiteConfig.pm, restart Apache, and visit
the page again to log additional information and send me the logs (check
that there's nothing private in them first).

Which language is your browser is set to prefer (I tried both pt and
pt-br in my browser, but neither looked the same as the translations
you're getting)?

Have you modified any files in /usr/local (or anywhere else) relating
to RT, or added any custom translations? Please send me the output of

reportbug --template request-tracker3.8

in order to provide additional debugging information.

Finally, if you're not using GPG you could try disabling it by adding

Set( %GnuPG, Enable => 0 );

to /etc/request-tracker3.8/RT_SiteConfig.pm. This should work around
the problem.

However, since this problem appears to only affect you, please do let
me know if you apply the workaround so that I can prioritise the bug
accordingly. I would prefer if you could help track down the cause


Dominic Hargreaves | http://www.larted.org.uk/~dom/
PGP key 5178E2A5 from the.earth.li (keyserver,web,email)

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