[request-tracker-maintainers] Bug#649720: Bug#649720: request-tracker3.8: rt-dump-database spits out perl code before dump's XML

Dominic Hargreaves dom at earth.li
Thu Nov 24 12:27:47 UTC 2011

severity 649720 minor
retitle 649720 rt-dump-database manpage is misleading about the output format

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 02:27:56PM +0100, Olivier Berger wrote:

> I tried :
> # rt-dump-database 2>/dev/null
> and get :
> no strict; use XML::Simple; *_ = XMLin(do { local $/; readline(DATA) }, ForceArray => [qw(
>  Users Groups Queues ScripActions ScripConditions Templates Scrips ACL CustomFields Values
> )], NoAttr => 1, SuppressEmpty => ''); *$_ = ($_{$_} || []) for keys %_; 1; # vim: ft=xml
> __DATA__
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <InitialData>

> The first lines aren't XML, so I guess there's something wrong happening.

No, this is entirely expected. The format expected by rt-setup-database
is perl code (see also /usr/share/request-tracker3.8/etc/initialdata).

I see that you might have been mislead by the manpage, which should be

By the way, rt-dump-database is often misunderstood and might not do
what you think it is. It's not a tool for migrating the content of an
RT database.


Dominic Hargreaves | http://www.larted.org.uk/~dom/
PGP key 5178E2A5 from the.earth.li (keyserver,web,email)

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