[request-tracker-maintainers] Bug#674865: Bug#674865: request-tracker3.8: Cannot send mail after DSA-2480

Dominic Hargreaves dom at earth.li
Mon May 28 11:55:09 UTC 2012

merge 674522 674865

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 09:47:52PM +1000, Paul Szabo wrote:
> Since the 
> http://www.debian.org/security/2012/dsa-2480
> update, my RT is not sending email but logging:
> May 28 11:46:07 prt sendmail[2531]: q4S1k7vj002531: collect: premature EOM: Bad file descriptor
> May 28 11:46:07 prt sendmail[2531]: q4S1k7vj002531: from=www-data, size=0, class=0, nrcpts=0, msgid=<201205280146.q4S1k7vj002531 at prt.pc.maths.usyd.edu.au>, relay=www-data at localhost

This should be addressed shortly in an erratum DSA; see

for more details.


> # diff -u /usr/share/request-tracker3.8/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm.bak /usr/share/request-tracker3.8/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm
> --- /usr/share/request-tracker3.8/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm.bak 2012-05-19 22:37:07.000000000 +1000
> +++ /usr/share/request-tracker3.8/lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm     2012-05-28 21:34:51.000000000 +1000
> @@ -443,28 +443,38 @@
>          }
>          eval {
> -            # don't ignore CHLD signal to get proper exit code
> -            local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT';
> -
> -            # if something wrong with $mail->print we will get PIPE signal, handle it
> -            local $SIG{'PIPE'} = sub { die "program unexpectedly closed pipe" };
> -
> -            require IPC::Open2;
> -            my ($mail, $stdout);
> -            my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2( $stdout, $mail, $path, @args )
> -                or die "couldn't execute program: $!";
> -
> -            $args{'Entity'}->print($mail);
> -            close $mail or die "close pipe failed: $!";
> -
> -            waitpid($pid, 0);
> -            if ($?) {
> -                # sendmail exit statuses mostly errors with data not software
> -                # TODO: status parsing: core dump, exit on signal or EX_*
> -                my $msg = "$msgid: `$path @args` exited with code ". ($?>>8);
> -                $msg = ", interrupted by signal ". ($?&127) if $?&127;
> -                $RT::Logger->error( $msg );
> -            }
> +            ## don't ignore CHLD signal to get proper exit code
> +            #local $SIG{'CHLD'} = 'DEFAULT';
> +            #
> +            ## if something wrong with $mail->print we will get PIPE signal, handle it
> +            #local $SIG{'PIPE'} = sub { die "program unexpectedly closed pipe" };
> +            #
> +            #require IPC::Open2;
> +            #my ($mail, $stdout);
> +            #my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2( $stdout, $mail, $path, @args )
> +            #    or die "couldn't execute program: $!";
> +            #
> +            #$args{'Entity'}->print($mail);
> +            #close $mail or die "close pipe failed: $!";
> +            #
> +            #waitpid($pid, 0);
> +            #if ($?) {
> +            #    # sendmail exit statuses mostly errors with data not software
> +            #    # TODO: status parsing: core dump, exit on signal or EX_*
> +            #    my $msg = "$msgid: `$path @args` exited with code ". ($?>>8);
> +            #    $msg = ", interrupted by signal ". ($?&127) if $?&127;
> +            #    $RT::Logger->error( $msg );
> +            #}
> +            #####
> +            #use File::Temp;    # Done above
> +            my $tmp_fh = File::Temp->new() or die "Cannot create temp file for sendmail data\n";
> +            my $tmp_fn = $tmp_fh->filename or die "Nameless temp file for sendmail data\n";
> +            $args{'Entity'}->print($tmp_fh) or die "Cannot write temp file for sendmail data\n";
> +            close ($tmp_fh) or die "Cannot close temp file for sendmail data\n";
> +            my $cmd = "$path @args < $tmp_fn 2>&1 || echo \"Sendmail failed, status \$?\"";
> +            #$RT::Logger->info( "PSz using command: $cmd" );
> +            my $msg = `$cmd`; die "$msg\n" if $msg;
> +            unlink ($tmp_fn) or die "Cannot delete temp file for sendmail data\n";
>          };
>          if ( $@ ) {
>              $RT::Logger->crit( "$msgid: Could not send mail with command `$path @args`: " . $@ );

Dominic Hargreaves | http://www.larted.org.uk/~dom/
PGP key 5178E2A5 from the.earth.li (keyserver,web,email)

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