[request-tracker-maintainers] RFS: rt-extension-customfieldsonupdate / rt-extension-spawnlinkedticketinqueue

Dominic Hargreaves dom at earth.li
Sun Sep 20 15:14:39 UTC 2015

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 08:27:01PM +0900, Satoru KURASHIKI wrote:
> hi,
> I've updated and staged extension packages below:
> git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-request-tracker/rt-extension-customfieldsonupdate.git
> git://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-request-tracker/rt-extension-spawnlinkedticketinqueue.git
> Major changes are:
> - New upstream release (versioning only)
> - Move VCS-*
> - Switch to use libmodule-install-rtx-perl
> I've tested them at my local installlation and they seems to work.
> I'm glad if you push them into archive.


I found a couple of problems with these packages:

- no tag of previous debian release (but please don't tag requests for
  sponsorship; tagging should happen when the package is uploaded)
- the dpkg branch does not match the upstream tarball; SIGNATURE is
  missing and MANIFEST changes. I suggest you fix this by creating an
  upstream branch based on master, running git-import-orig and then
  merge the result onto the dpkg branch
- you're removing inc/Module but not restoring it in dh_clean.
  You should either move it out of the way and then put it back in
  the clean target, or, (the solution I opted for in my recent extension
  packages) remove inc in a patch. The latter approach makes reviewing
  diffs much easier,
- please add '-b dpkg' to the Vcs-Git URLs or change HEAD to point to the
  dpkg branch so it's obvious where the Debian packaging is happening
- please add debian/README.source which explains where to get the
  workflow for updating to a new upstream release (ie where the
  upstream git repo is - examples would be helpful too)

The packages otherwise look good, so if you can look at those issues,
I'll try get to them more quickly this time round!


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