[request-tracker-maintainers] Tests for request-tracker5 currently broken

Andrew Ruthven andrew at etc.gen.nz
Sat Aug 19 02:22:33 BST 2023

On Fri, 2023-08-18 at 09:21 +0300, Niko Tyni wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 12:14:41PM +1200, Andrew Ruthven wrote:
> > Just to let folks know, some of the date related unit tests in request-
> > tracker5 are currently broken when testing against unstable. I'm in the
> > process of doing a binary search using snapshot.d.o to try and identify
> > the package(s) causing the breakage. But this could take a few days,
> > building chroots using snapshot.d.o are painfully slow.
> Hi, it's tzdata / #1040997 . Some of the time zones that the test suite
> uses have moved to tzdata-legacy. A quick fix is to just build-depend on
> that.

Ah ha! I had suspected tzdata, but usually with timezone breakage things are
an hour out. I hadn't realised that a number of timezones had been moved.

Indeed, adding tzdata-legacy as a Build-Depend fixes the unit tests.

Thank you,

Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
andrew at etc.gen.nz         |
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