[request-tracker-maintainers] Bug#1033304: request-tracker5: debianisation of version interferes with doc linking

Andrew Ruthven andrew at etc.gen.nz
Fri Mar 24 09:43:19 GMT 2023


Thank you for the bug report. I'm just testing a fix now.

This doesn't affect the RT4 packages as RT4 doesn't have a web
interface for configuring RT, and even when viewing the config, it
doesn't link to the docs.


On Wed, 2023-03-22 at 11:51 +1100, AP wrote:
> RT5 (and possibly RT4) uses the version number to generate a URL for
> its documentation.
> This URL is in use when configuring the system via the web interface
> (click on a config
> name and it takes you to the help for it).
> As a result the help results in a 404 until you manually remove the
> debian component of
> the version.
> This error is the result of the debianize_version.diff patch which
> changes the version
> globally.
Andrew Ruthven, Wellington, New Zealand
andrew at etc.gen.nz         |
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