[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#462961: confusing debconf question about webserver autoconfiguration

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Mon Jan 28 18:38:50 UTC 2008

Hi Vincent,

On Monday 28 January 2008 18:11, you wrote:
> > RoundCube supports any web server supported by PHP, however only Apache
> > can be configured automatically.
> In  this  sentence,  Apache  means  "any http  server  from  the  Apache
> project". This means "apache", "apache-ssl", "apache-perl" and "apache2".

The sentence is bad, if you need another to explain what it means :-D

RoundCube supports any web server supported by PHP, however only Apache based 
webservers can be configured automatically.

> > Please select the web server(s) that should be configured automatically
> > for RoundCube.
> >
> > Web server(s) to configure automatically:
> >   [*] apache
> >   [*] apache-ssl
> >   [*] apache-perl
> >   [*] apache2


> One day, a  configuration will be added for lighttpd.  This may fix your
> bug by making the debconf question clearer.

remove that debconf template altogether until the question is more useful, 
that is when you added support for lighttpd ;-)

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