[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Accepted roundcube 0.2.2-1 (source all)

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Sun Jul 5 12:56:25 UTC 2009

OoO En ce  début d'après-midi nuageux du dimanche  05 juillet 2009, vers
14:32, Jan Wagner <waja at cyconet.org> disait :

>> is there any speacial reason for raising dependency of
>> php-mdb2-driver-pgsql to (>= 1.5.0b2) (and not mentioning it in the
>> changelog)?

> ahh .. I missed the 0.2.1-2 changelog entry, sorry.

In  fact, there  was  a problem  with  0.2.1-2 that  did  not raise  the
dependency correctly.  This is fixed in  this one. I should  have made a
clearer statement in  changelog. If you need to  backport, you can still
use debian/patches/too-old-mdb2.
BOFH excuse #343: The  ATM board has run out of 10  pound notes.  We are
having a whip round to refill it, care to contribute ?
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