[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#526465: roundcube: multipart/mixed message incorrectly displayed

Vincent Bernat bernat at luffy.cx
Sat Nov 7 17:33:46 UTC 2009

OoO Pendant  le repas  du dimanche 27  septembre 2009, vers  19:34, Mark
Syms <mark at marksyms.me.uk> disait :

> Thanks for the mail, I've pulled 0.3-2 from sid and the problem still
> exists. I've attached one of the problematic mails to this mail, I saved it
> from Roundcube as an eml so I hope this is in a usable format for you.

Hi Mark!

I  have   no  problem   to  read  this   attachment  with   the  current
roundcube. However,  I have no  problem with 0.2.2 either.

You can also  try to enable imap_debug option  and look at BODYSTRUCTURE
that your IMAP server is sending back. BTW, what is your IMAP server?

If  possible,  you  could  try  roundcube  0.3.1  which  has  just  been
uploaded. It fixes a problem related to workaround bad BODYSTRUCTURE.
BOFH excuse #413:
Cow-tippers tipped a cow onto the server.

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