[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#568360: Debian bug tracker email addresses are reported as incorrect

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Fri Feb 5 07:42:31 UTC 2010

reassign 568360 bugs.debian.org
retitle 568360 bug tracker confirmation email addresses are too long

OoO En cette  matinée ensoleillée du jeudi 04  février 2010, vers 09:14,
David Headland <dh at winterwolf.co.uk> disait :

> In my case, the offending address was 
> 567618-subyes-888bdc7285e10a8312abfacd27bcd909-00e078818f361e9cc2e988347aa56f3b at bugs.debian.org,
> which is able to be sent by other MUAs and does indeed seem to get correctly 
> delivered to the BTS. I've seen this in the past as well, so I know this 
> is not a one-off.

In  the source  code,  the  left part  is  checked to  be  less than  64
characters wide:

function check_email($email)
  // Check for invalid characters
  if (preg_match('/[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\xFF]/', $email))
    return false;

  // Check that there's one @ symbol, and that the lengths are right
  if (!preg_match('/^([^@]{1,64})@([^@]{1,255})$/', $email, $email_array))
    return false;

RFC 5322 states:

#v+ Local-part

   The maximum total length of a user name or other local-part is 64

Therefore, Roundcube seems right when  it says that the email address is
not correct  (even if it could follow  the motto "be strict  in what you
send and flexible in what you receive").

I  reassign this  bug to  bugs.debian.org so  that it  ensures  that the
local-part is no wider than 64 characters.

Thanks for your report.
BOFH excuse #307:
emissions from GSM-phones
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