[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#618699: roundcube-core: after disabling all web servers the symlinks should be removed

Teodor MICU mteodor at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 05:06:32 UTC 2011


2011/3/23 Vincent Bernat <bernat at debian.org>:
>> Please remove the symbolic links for each web server deselected.
> javascript-common.conf is from javascript-common.


> It seems to be common
> practice  to  not  touch those  links  if  asked  not to  configure  web
> servers. I  have no easy ways  to check if  the link was created  by the
> user  or by  postinst.  A user  not  wanting to  let  postinst handle  a
> webserver  because he  does not  want that  postinst  restart/reload his
> webserver may still want to use the symlink.

Than the only solution is to rise a debconf question at install.

> I  also notice  that wwwconfig-common  does not  handle link  removal as
> well.

I don't find appropriate to add links to any web server configuration
without confirmation. I have multiple virtual hosts on almost all web
servers and I don't want aliases on all virtual hosts by default.


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