[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#649264: 0.5.4+dfsg-1 to 0.6+dfsg-1 package upgrade fails while upgrading the database

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Sun Nov 20 09:35:17 GMT 2011

OoO En  ce début d'après-midi nuageux  du samedi 19  novembre 2011, vers
14:23, Moonwalker <moonwalker at hotbox.ru> disait :

> Package: roundcube-core
> Version: 0.6+dfsg-1
> ===
> -+ Configuring roundcube-core +-
> An error occurred while upgrading the database:
> /var/lib/dpkg/info/roundcube-core.postinst: 1:
> /var/lib/dpkg/info/roundcube-core.postinst: cannot create
> /var/cache/dbconfig-common/backups/roundcube_0.5.4+dfsg-1.mysql:
> Directory nonexistent

I   don't  know   how  you   could   get  this   error.  The   directory
/var/cache/dbconfig-common/backups is owned by dbconfig-common.
> Fortunately,
> /var/cache/dbconfig-common/backups/roundcube_0.5.4+dfsg-1.mysql holds
> a backup of the database, made just before the upgrade.

I  am not  sure to  understand.  Does /var/cache/dbconfig-common/backups
exist?  And does  it contain  roundcube_0.5.4+dfsg-1.mysql? If  yes, the
above error is mysterious.
Vincent Bernat ☯ http://vincent.bernat.im

Don't stop with your first draft.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)
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