[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#752479: Bug#752479: 1.1 availble

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Mon Mar 16 14:56:07 UTC 2015

 ❦ 16 mars 2015 15:45 +0100, Holger Levsen <holger at layer-acht.org> :

>> > maybe it would be more appropriate to properly orphan the package
>> > then?
>> I'll do that then. I thought this was not appropriate for
>> team-maintained packages.
> I think it totally is: obviously this should be discussed in the team first 
> (which has been done here, in this bug) and then any team member can revert 
> that action and thus state that she's intending to do the work.

Currently, only myself and Lunar are somewhat active since a long
time. I have asked Lunar about this maybe a week ago but I understand he
is busy on other more exciting projects.

> That said, I'll try to upload 1.0.5-1 soonish or maybe 1.1.1-1 once it's 
> released. (to experimental in any case...), and I could set the maintainer to 
> debian-qa at l.d.o there too...

Sandro Knauß has proposed his help on the mailing list and I have added
it to the alioth project. I'll sponsor his work even if the package is
maintained. There is also a small discussion on debian-devel at ldo.
Don't compare floating point numbers just for equality.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)
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