[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#798114: roundcube: default_host appears in two configuration files

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Sat Sep 5 20:03:56 UTC 2015

 ❦  5 septembre 2015 14:05 -0500, Ross Johnson <ross at homemail.org> :

> I installed roundcube for the first time on a single server and wanted
> to remove the Server field from the login screen.  All the advice
> I found said that I needed to change default_host to localhost.
> I found that default_host was already set to localhost in
> /etc/roundcube/defaults.inc.php, but I was still seeing the Server
> field for login.  After further investigation, I found a blank
> default_host in /etc/roundcube/config.inc.php and was able to
> change this to effect the removal of the Server field for login.
> I would like to have the default_host field defined in only
> one location.

Hi Ross!

This is how it works: you should avoid modifying defaults.inc.php (which
are default settings) and modify only config.inc.php (which is here to
override any defaults). See the comment at the top of config.inc.php.

You should also had a debconf question about this field ("Please select
the IMAP server(s) that should be used with RoundCube.").
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            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)
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