[Pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers] Website review

Paul van Tilburg paulvt at debian.org
Thu Aug 3 20:12:13 UTC 2006

Hello everyone,

This mail contains a review of the website.  I've performed it per page,
taking into account comments that I have received.  Note that in this
mail nor the previous I want to sound grim or negative.  I just want to
offer an sort of object list of things that need to be improved.

|-- 00.index.en.page
     -> Needs a remark about Patrick joining the team.
|-- 00.index.es.page
     -> Needs updating.
|-- 10.join.en.page
     -> Maybe needs more about how/why/when we are accepting people,
        i.e. our acceptance policy.  This has ben discussed before.
|-- 20.create.en.page
     -> This page is not clear and also is not finished.  It needs more
        about how to prepare the source, when a diff.gz is nice enough.
     -> Strange order...  you don't have to CDBSify it first to be able
        to inject it.
     -> Mention that watch-files have to be added and why...
|-- 30.svn-build.en.page
     -> As mentioned before on the list.  Maybe give a list of useful
        aliases or build commands.  Not to force it on everybody but it
        might contain useful stuff.
|-- 35.policy.en.page
     -> A lot has to happen here.
|-- 40.rubygems.en.page
     -> Do we need to change our position?
|-- 50.upstream-devs.en.page
     -> This page is not linked, should we? Is it finished?
`-- ruby-pkg-tools
    |-- 00.index.en.page
          -> Remove stuff about the damned sources file! :)
          -> Link per item to the page explainig each item.
    |-- 10.sources.en.page
          -> Registering source should be about watch-files, not the
             dead sources file.
          -> If we have a plan for upstream with problematic
             watch-files, also include it.
    |-- 30.cdbs.en.page
         -> Mention that debhelper & cdbs should be build-depends and
            the rest possibly build-depends-indep.

That's it.  Newcomers to the team, please add useful information which
you think that is still missing and you had to find out for yourselves.

Kind regards,


Student @ Eindhoven                         | email: paulvt at debian.org
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: paul at luon.net
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