[Pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers] r725 -
Rudi Cilibrasi
cilibrar-guest at costa.debian.org
Mon Jul 31 06:55:09 UTC 2006
Author: cilibrar-guest
Date: 2006-07-31 06:55:07 +0000 (Mon, 31 Jul 2006)
New Revision: 725
using ruby-pkg-tools and simplifying
Added: packages/libcomplearn-ruby/trunk/debian/control.in
--- packages/libcomplearn-ruby/trunk/debian/control.in 2006-07-31 06:17:18 UTC (rev 724)
+++ packages/libcomplearn-ruby/trunk/debian/control.in 2006-07-31 06:55:07 UTC (rev 725)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Source: libcomplearn-ruby
+Section: devel
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Rudi Cilibrasi <cilibrar at cilibrar.com>
+Uploaders: @RUBY_EXTRAS_TEAM@
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), autotools-dev, libcomplearn0-dev, pkg-config, libcomplearn0-dev, automake1.8, libgsl0-dev, ruby1.8-dev, ruby1.8, cdbs, ruby-pkg-tools
+Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+Package: libcomplearn-ruby1.8
+Architecture: any
+Depends: pkg-config, ruby1.8, ruby1.8-dev, libcomplearn0-dev, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Description: Ruby binding to CompLearn machine-learning library
+ This is a Ruby binding for the popular and robust CompLearn learning package.
+Package: libcomplearn-ruby
+Architecture: all
+Depends: libcomplearn-ruby1.8
+Description: Ruby binding to CompLearn library (dummy package)
+ This package is a dependency package pointing to the ruby 1.8 version.
Modified: packages/libcomplearn-ruby/trunk/debian/rules
--- packages/libcomplearn-ruby/trunk/debian/rules 2006-07-31 06:17:18 UTC (rev 724)
+++ packages/libcomplearn-ruby/trunk/debian/rules 2006-07-31 06:55:07 UTC (rev 725)
@@ -1,95 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# -*- makefile -*-
-# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
-# This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small.
-# As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a
-# dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
-# This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make.
-# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
-#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk
+#include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk
+include /usr/share/ruby-pkg-tools/1/class/ruby-extconf-rb.mk
+include /usr/share/ruby-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk
-CFLAGS = -Wall -g
-ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
- CFLAGS += -O0
- CFLAGS += -O2
-configure: configure-stamp
- dh_testdir
- aclocal ; automake -a ; autoconf ; ./configure #; touch configure-stamp
-build: build-stamp
-build-stamp: configure-stamp
- dh_testdir
- $(MAKE)
- touch build-stamp
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
- -$(MAKE) clean
- dh_clean
-install: build
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- dh_clean -k
- dh_installdirs
- # Add here commands to install the package into debian/libcomplearn-ruby.
- #$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/libcomplearn-ruby
- install -d $(CURDIR)/debian/libcomplearn-ruby1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8
- install src/complearn4r.so $(CURDIR)/debian/libcomplearn-ruby1.8/usr/lib/ruby/1.8
-# Build architecture-independent files here.
-binary-indep: build install
-# We have nothing to do by default.
-# Build architecture-dependent files here.
-binary-arch: build install
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- dh_installchangelogs
- dh_installdocs
- dh_installexamples
-# dh_install
-# dh_installmenu
-# dh_installdebconf
-# dh_installlogrotate
-# dh_installemacsen
-# dh_installpam
-# dh_installmime
-# dh_installinit
-# dh_installcron
-# dh_installinfo
- dh_installman
- dh_link
- dh_strip
- dh_compress
- dh_fixperms
-# dh_perl
-# dh_python
-# dh_makeshlibs
- dh_installdeb
- dh_shlibdeps
- dh_gencontrol
- dh_md5sums
- dh_builddeb
-binary: binary-indep binary-arch
-.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install configure
+DEB_RUBY_SETUP_CMD= src/extconf.rb
+ sitearchdir=$(cdbs_pkgdir)/$(shell /usr/bin/ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["archdir"]')
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