[Pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers] ToDo status update

Paul van Tilburg paulvt at debian.org
Thu Nov 9 12:24:32 CET 2006

Hey all,

I wanted to give a short summary of what we have accomplished so far and
the things still left to do.

1. Solve all remaining issues concerning ruby-pkg-tools

All seems to be in order.

2. Make sure that all team-maintained packages are: bug(report)-less,
   installable and up-to-date.

feed2imap may get a fix to solve the open priority normal bug. Lucas is
looking into this.
Behind with respect to upstream still are:
- libgpgme-ruby (Thierry?)
- libhighline-ruby (Esteban?)
- libhpricot-ruby (Ari?)
- libwww-mechanize-ruby (Ari?)

3. Consider all WIP packages and get them in Etch if they are worthy.

We'll leave libbluecloth-ruby, libdbus-ruby, libdev-utils-ruby,
libextensions-ruby and libfactes-ruby for what it it is, except if
someone is interested in getting them in now.

I don't know what needs to happen for matheval-ruby?

libcomplearn-ruby and libsvm-ruby are waiting for their base libs to pass
the NEW queue.

I have processed and uploaded from WIP:
libxslt-ruby, libxml-ruby, libform-validator-ruby, librevolution-ruby,
libgtk-trayicon-ruby, libtermios-ruby, libtorrent-ruby, libmmap-ruby.

4. Add/adopt damog's pacakges.

Lucas has adopter libtermios-ruby, I have adopted the other three:
libgtk-trayicon-ruby, libform-validator-ruby and librevolution-ruby.
All have been uploaded and the ITAs will be closed soon.

Note that libform-validator-ruby still has to be CDBSified. Filipe is
looking into that.

5. Consider RFPs:

There are two Ruby lib/app related RFPs in WNPP at the moment:
- libserialport-ruby: Arnaud is looking into this one
- libwxgtk2-ruby: I think this one is quite some work, so we'll leave it
    except if someone is interested.

6. Create the libruby-extras meta-package and get it into Etc.

I have just injected a first version (0.1) of libruby-extras into WIP, 
please have a look and comment on it.

Summarizing the now a lot smaller ToDo:
* Get some libs (listed above in (2)) up-to date with upstream.
* Work on libserialport-ruby.
* Get libruby-extras-ready and upload.

Good work everyone!

Kind regards, 

Student @ Eindhoven                         | email: paulvt at debian.org
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: paul at luon.net
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