[DRE-maint] Distributability of Ruby's PDF::Writer

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at gwolf.org
Mon Dec 3 17:41:48 UTC 2007

Lucas Nussbaum dijo [Sat, Dec 01, 2007 at 11:58:30PM +0100]:
> I'm replying on pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers@ to this mail on -legal at . I
> didn't notice earlier that you were packaging PDF::Writer.
> Have you contacted the upstream author of PDF::Writer about packaging
> his lib in Debian? Austin Ziegler is a real asshole (and I mean it). He
> has been spreading FUD about Debian on all the threads about packaging
> or rubygems on ruby-core@ and ruby-talk@, turning them into useless
> flamewars. Amongst other things, he recommends Debian users to install
> ruby from source on those ruby mailing lists, because ruby is so
> fucked up on Debian. (according to him, of course)
> Beware that if you package PDF::Writer, he will probably be totally
> uncooperative, and use every change needed in the package as an example
> of Debian's stupidity/evilness/whatever.
> I know that "our priority is our users", but I just prefer to let you
> know what you will probably be facing :-)


I feared that. In fact, I constantly fear that when dealing with
packaging Ruby modules :-/ But still, I do personally need this module
- and... Well, if anything, I am willing to interface with him as just
another user :)

But thanks anyway for the warning. I just want to be sure about the
licensing first...

Gunnar Wolf - gwolf at gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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