[DRE-maint] lending a hand

Micah Anderson micah at riseup.net
Fri Dec 7 21:47:38 UTC 2007

Hi there, I'm joining up with the team. I'm interested in getting more
ruby libraries available in Debian (rather than only via gems) and
figured I ought to do it in a team. My work is using a number of gems
because there are no Debian packages, and I want to change that.

To get started I debianized my first ruby library and I'd be interested
in people having a look at it to see if I've made any obvious errors
before I upload it. Its called libfastthread-ruby and it can be pulled
down here:

svn co svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-ruby-extras/packages-wip/libfastthread-ruby

I notice someone is working on a scruffy and capistrano package, thats
great! What is the status of those? Do you need any help?

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