[DRE-maint] Bug#454958: libgd-ruby: should be modified to use pkg-ruby-extras' standards (use cdbs, etc)

Barry deFreese bddebian at comcast.net
Tue Dec 18 21:05:17 UTC 2007

tags 454958 + patch

thank you

Attached is a patch that converts libgd-ruby to use CDBS with the 
ruby-extconf-rb.mk class.  It also includes a couple of other minor 
linda/lintian fixes and a standards bump.

There are only two concerns I have.  Make distclean is being run and 
there is no target and the previous version installed the upstream 
changelog named Changes.

Hope you can use it.


Barry deFreese

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Name: libgd-ruby_cdbs.debdiff
Url: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers/attachments/20071218/c6bdf567/attachment-0003.txt 

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